
great weight workout!!!! (UPDATE)

video snow

10 miler completed!

10 miler tomorrow

5 miles of joy and Bicep challenge photos

What am I doing????

Todays workout and cool news :)

how much sugar does it take? (UPDATE)

to run or not to run

habits... and my plan today (UPDATE)

FOURS zipped right up!


no run.... run.... and got recipes?

Feeling good :) woowhoo!

still going :)

Remember this sugar video?! (UPDATE x2)

Lets talk about food. (UPDATE)

8 miler done but not without a fight

8 mile plan (UPDATE)

Ruthie's Cold Weather Running Inspiration Awards go to


wedding dress progress, plans, and tomorrow

4 miles and feeling good!

Get off you tush Turkey Day 5k

Say NO to Holiday Weight Gain

they fit again :) Progress photos

8 was GREAT!

(UPDATE) looking forward to tomorrow :)

Run done before 715am!

something EVERYONE should have!

I wanna hold your hand!

clutter b gone and happy foot!

changes.... todays workout :)

yesterday and today

when I grow up...........

today, plans, and a bit of concern

3 alone, 2 with Su, 2 with Millie

a run in the woods :)


fast update

before and afters of a different kind and... two a days