I just finished watching Julie and Julia ... you know the movie about the girl who blogs as she cooks her way through Julia Childs cookbook?
Interesting how some of the lines hit me like "writing and total strangers read it" and "it is all so self absorbed" etc....
makes me think... why DO I do this?
My simple answer... because it is what I found that finally worked.
I know some people think i am a bit nuts.. I mean, this is all so "out there" for people to read and see photos of me and hear my ups and downs.... but .... I was never one to worry a lot about what other people think... and more than anything I keep coming back to the memories I have of seeing THIS woman and her website and how I emailed her.. and she emailed me back and how she gave me the courage to start again and believe I could change.
So.. yet again is another post :)
today I did do just a little bit of jogging at track practice.
about 5pm I did upper body.... chest, tris, bis and back ... it was a great workout... then I did abwork like crazy.....
Had a great workout with a bit of Lynyrd Skynyrd
I got to thinking... didnt I issue a bicep challenge???? I tried to find that post and my before bi pictures.. but i cannot locate it.. .... Josha any ideas of the date?
Looking forward to a run tomorrow :)
still pretty good on no sugar (did have a few small slices of pumpkin bread but its not too sweeet :)
now wonder i had the "i should take a bicep picture today" feeling :) haha
I will do that today
My upper body is weak too Sarah. I really only lift it once maybe twice a week. oh well.