heres the lowdown:
mile and half or so to warm up... (easy pace)... then stopped to stretch
ran 4 miles after that with no stopping to walk
walked 2 mins and then ran 2 miles
walked another 2 mins and ran another 2.5ish miles
stopped at the light to push the button to cross the street.. and traffic was so busy i couldn't go.. so i turned around and ran another half mile then came back and pushed the button again.. crossed the street and ran home. :)
I cannot tell you how great i felt! I was pretty much in shock with how wonderful it was! Probably the best run of my life! I felt like I could run forever!
Was it the chicken spaghetti I had an hour and a half before I left?
Was it the fact I have been off table sugar and getting my sweet fix from fruits and sweet potatoes? :)
Was it the perfect weather?
I dont know.. but I LOVED IT!
I must tell you the joy I felt when after passing this college guy 7 times (we were running opposite of each other) and each time I had to "get out of his way" (kids these days!)... yeah.. I gave him the grass... oh well...
Anyway!.... felt pretty good when i was right in the mist of my running high at mile 7 and found him walking as I ran past him! .. Yeah.. eat my dust college boy! :) .... ha... (I know its not nice to be so mean to a fellow running .. but I must admit... this 41 year old mom had a pretty big smile on her fact after that! :)
now back to reality... dirty kitchen and supper to locate in amongst it:)
Hope your was was a grand as mine today!