today, plans, and a bit of concern

Yesterday during my run I had a bit of pain on my right foot. it didnt last long but last night and today my foot has been bothering me. Specifically, my 2nd and 3rd toes and the area just below them that connects to my foot.

Today I ran with the kids at track practice this morning.. just a mile at the track so it was a soft surface. I am hoping that a bit of rest will resolve the problem with my foot. Tonight at evening practice I didnt run but I did do the ab work that coach dished out :)

I jumped on board with Josha and joined the Transformation Holiday Challenge. You can find my blog on their website here.

My goals are to get back to 120s, run my half marathon on the 1st, get my eats back to 6 meals a day and 10 glasses of water a day. As always Eats are a challenge for me.

not to good on eats today ( i ate chips with my turkey burger, and didnt get all my meals in) but I do plan on doing some planning tomorrow to get myself on track :)

I am looking forward to lifting weights tomorrow!!!!!!! upper body for me! will post after I am done.


This time of year it is easy to fall off the wagon with eating. Good luck getting back on track.
Anonymous said…
I want you to think about something I've learned recently.
What is the truth about this comment you made? "As always Eats are a challenge for me."
What is your belief about this? And is it the truth? you have to figure out why? Why do you believe this and is it the truth?
looking forward to your answer.
much love to you.