Here are the kids and me with the hat.... starting to cover up the mural I painted when we first moved in. The room is clean at this point but I cannot tell you how much work it was to go through, sort and organize! I spent 2 hours just on clothes! We get hand me downs .. which are GREAT but they tend to pile up! When it was over... 10 bags of trash! (broken toys, and well.. trash! urgh) and boxes and boxes of things to garage sale or give away. I mentioned to someone I cannot believe the amount of stuff that my boys had when they have virtually no income! yikes. :)

another wall (this is where Nates bed will go when its done) this was to have horses running in a rainstorm.... never finished.

I could kick myself for not taking before pictures of the closet.... it was horrible! too much of everything and now its down to just THIS! i LOVE It!

The wall that use to have the rain storm...

The corner above I had just started painting! (these beds are new to us! got them for a HUGE deal from a lady and her husband who are in the military and are relocating... What a blessing these beds will be to my boys!) The clouds will be touched up and the leaves on the ceiling i will paint into clouds. Its funny how with the cow skull it reminds me of a Georgia O'Keef painting :) (I am an art teacher you know)

This is 24 hours later! whooowooo!
OK>> ENOUGH of that :)
Now you know why I didnt run my 6 miles this weekend ... I DID however go to practice 2 times today .. which is a regular Monday and Friday thing for me now :) We were thrilled to have 28 homeschool kids at our noon practice :) its growing and growing! I rain about 3 miles I figure... and it was LOTS of hills :) Then at 530pm practice I ran again and figure it as about 3.5 miles... both were LOTS of fun! We are running on a little golf course that is by some land that has trails back in a wooded area so it reminds me of the runs I had with Josha in Colorado (not near as beautiful but for west texas it works :)
OK>> ENOUGH of that :)
Now you know why I didnt run my 6 miles this weekend ... I DID however go to practice 2 times today .. which is a regular Monday and Friday thing for me now :) We were thrilled to have 28 homeschool kids at our noon practice :) its growing and growing! I rain about 3 miles I figure... and it was LOTS of hills :) Then at 530pm practice I ran again and figure it as about 3.5 miles... both were LOTS of fun! We are running on a little golf course that is by some land that has trails back in a wooded area so it reminds me of the runs I had with Josha in Colorado (not near as beautiful but for west texas it works :)