Size 4 ladies! YES... size 4.
Its been a LONG LONG time since i have been able to wear these jeans....
I got back in them in June of 07 as posted here.
I was in them over a year ago right before my back injury......... ever since then they have been hanging quietly in my closet reminding me of how fit and strong i USE to be.
Its been a long long time and this feels sooooo good!
And the best part is... I FEEL GREAT!
I wish I could bottle this up and let someone else know what it feel like.... being mostly sugar free is an amazing feeling! I cannot begin to explain the difference!
Had a Christmas Party to attend last night. My daughter made the famous from scratch chocolate cake... the dessert table was FULL of amazing sweets.... I went over.. got a plate and went back to the "food" table and got the last bit of madrine oranges and grapes they had. I successfully refused to eat white sugar laden treats! All I had to do was look at them and remember how bad they would make me feel... and that was it :)
On the marathon training group front... I am up to 16 girls! 12 local and 4 virtual! :)
First time visitor... nice blog!