
Hair you go :)

Da plan :)UPDATED

One Month before and afters (UPDATE)

thee more gone!

celebration and todays workout

kitchen sneak peak :)

Obesity a virus? what?

7 miler that wasnt


didnt wanna.. but did :)

no run thursday :)...

Todays workout and photos

4.5 mile run done and no energy deadline

Late Night Lifting session

6 miles done!!!!!!

Eating is so important

Mom's Freedom Run Half Marathon July 2008 so cool t-shirt

Really fast before i get to bed post :) .. (ha.. bed post.. that funny)

What a day.. I didnt want to run .. but I made it happen anyway..

UPDATE #2 -20lbers return!!!!This week and running (UPDATE)

The Emotional Journey to Fitness

Weekly prog photos Dec 28th start date

I'm Tired and I just .........

4 miles felt GREAT for me AND Su!


no workout today

Bill Phillips and ROCK!

Math Run and Eats (UPDATED) (UPDATE x2)

finally done :) UPDATED

Saturday long run not so long :) A WEEK!

Friday update

weekly progress reports for 12-28-08 start date