6 miles done!!!!!!

It was HARD but i made it. It was amazing weather outside this afternoon... a bit cool.. but nice.

heres the highlights :)
  • I could feel my ponytail hitting the back of my head (guess my hair is getting long!)
  • I loved the music i switched too... mostly techno picks... stuff i use to run too this past summer :)
  • I made the mistake of wearing my thin thermal long sleeve top UNDER my so cool short sleeve 1/2 marathon july finishers shirt that josha made me. It was perfect for the first mile.. after that. i was HOT. so i had to get rid of the shirt... so.. I did what any runner would do.. I took off my thermal long sleeve while at the same time keeping my short sleeve shirt on :) ... no place to change . you gotta do what you gotta do .. right :)
  • I forgot to bring water.. shoot.. and had cotton mouth the whole run! UGH i really needed to spit.. but couldnt. I hate that feeling .. must remember to bring a long the H2O next time :)
  • I wanted to quit at mile 5 and just walk the rest of the way.. but i didnt. took 2 walking breaks and just made myself pick it up and keep running until i was done.
AHHHH it feels so good to say i have run that far! Its been AGES since i have had that distance under my belt! I really did enjoy most of the run :) it was just hard work for the last 10 mins or so :)

6 miles, 1 hour 3 min (ish), 10:27 per mile average. (not that fast but i did walk at intervals and stop to stretch 3 times. :)


JRo said…
Got my six done Saturday too. It was tough, in the hills of east Texas. We have pretty much the same highlights! haha!
Josha said…
faster than Me!! change the mileage to 4 and erase the ponytail...that was my long run for the week.