Lesson learned to day (again) is "dont put it off!"
I dont know if you are like me but if I dont get the workout done first thing in the morning then the whole day is spent thinking about working out. "I will workout when I get this or this or this done" and that is a day full of wasted mental energy. If i would just get up and get it done first thing then my brain is free to concentrate on other things :)
So its 840pm and I just finished working out. A great lower body workout.
I did squats with burnouts, deadlifts with burnouts, lunges (12 on each leg) and Pile' squats (24). I will be sore tomorrow.. :)
I feel so much better! And to think how much better my day would have gone if i felt like this before I started with the housework, cooking, educating the kids, and so on!..
Lesson Learned. Mental note taken.
Goal tomorrow is to get up and get going and get on with my day :)
I am just LOVING the transformaiton site and all it offers:)
looking forward to a running day tomorrow
good luck on your run, hope your foot is feeling better.