Hair you go :)

Yep.. I like it :) its darker than its ever been.. but i like it.. tad of red thrown in :)

Just finished a 2 mile run with my daughter :) then i did some abs, bis and tris :)
the run was good.. I was spose to do 6 or 7 today but having to rethink all that since my foot is still being a pain :) >> I had issues with the bottom of my foot, then the next run, it was my shin.. i couldnt get it to loosen up.. then to day.. same foot.. but my ankle.. so i decided to call 2 miles enough :)

I am so ready to be where i was but know its just a matter of one day at at time and not quitting :)

Progress not perfection :)


JRo said…
You look fabulous! I like it!

Will be praying for the foot!
Josha said…
great haircut for you! and I like the color a lot. I didn't manage my picture post tonight....sorry! hopefully, tomorrow!
Anonymous said…
love, love, love the hair! a good haircut (and color) can make such a big difference in how you feel! i will be praying for the foot, too!
Anonymous said…
LOVE the hair, Ruth! Great cut and color!
