Mom's Freedom Run Half Marathon July 2008 so cool t-shirt

What fun surprise! Today I received a finishers t-shirt for completing the "Mom's Freedom Half Marathon Run" that I ran on July 4th of 08 :)
Sweet friend Josha made it and sent it to me!


I think this calls for a tradition..

Every year July 4th "Mom's Freedom Run Half Marathon" will take place!
Make plans to join in on the fun this July 4th and celebrate!

Run where you are and join fellow Moms in your area.. and .. shoot.. who knows.. we might even have cool t-shirts like this one!

Thanks Josha.. YOU ROCK!


JRo said…
Josha you DO rock! How freakin' awesome is that! I am so inspired! Man... Count me in... I want a one of a kind design from Josha... so I am gonna run that half in July!
Josha said…
Yay! You got it, and you look great! Such a fun idea to do it again! JRo will get a shirt too!