no workout today

today was a no go
full day of stuff..
i am tired from not much sleep last night so i am heading to bed instead of staying up and working out... DH has to got to work early tomorrow and i have to teach all day... thurs spose to be my day off but i will do today workout tomorrow (upper body)HOPEFULLY before class :)

drinking my protein before bed ! ... eats have been great all day despite craving powdered donuts and a blizzard (bad i know) LOL

hope you got your workout in today!


JRo said…
Stay strong! The sugar cravings stay with me for a few long weeks, but once I make it past them, life is SO much easier, and the results start to show up! Have a good UBWO today! I am sore from mine yesterday! WAHOO!
Laura said…
Rest is much better than doing the w/o when so tired. Hope today finds you full of non-sugared energy!!!
Josha said…
no stoppin' ya! even if you end up with a "miss" just pick it all right back up! Just do it!