Hi Gals.
I just had to share what just happened. I just received a package in the mail!
It all started last week when I posted a message on transformation.com asking about protein supplements and what everyone there uses. I use to drink myoplex many years ago.. but they switched the formula (after bill left?) to have aspertame in it. So I stopped drinking it. I have been using Twin Labs for half of last year and like it pretty well .. but the cost of it has gone WAY up to over 50 bucks a tub.
so.. i asked what everyone was using
and I got a variety of answers
One gal.. told me if i sent her my address she would send me some samples of Right Nutrition Protein .. the new line that Bill has..
so I sent my info to her
I never really expected to hear or get anything.. but today .. the package came
I opened it and thought.. AWE.. she sent me some samples! wonder if she sent a note..
and to my surprise
there was a note.. but it was from BILL!
pretty cool.
I can tell it is NOT computer generated :) its on heavy card stock.. see:

I have been really really loving the site!
Bill just ROCKS!