
13.1 tomorrow and cards


How much does it take?

I love my life!

My weekend with HFCS :)

Shrub workout

today and my thoughts on Why its So Hard

Why Weight loss is So Hard

thoughts on a 10miler

1460 days.. 1370 posts...

UPDATED yesterday, today and photos

8mile update and Julietta's goal (Updated)

8 miler done :)

No One Special


early morning run and da fox

Glycerin Happiness

Our Deepest Fear

Run Eat Sleep Repeat

Foxy 6 miler

Sugar, my history


the switch has been made

run done before 6am what have i become????

Rescue Her Half

The Rewards of Always Starting Over

doesnt care where the beef is anymore

Pine Cone Run in Da Wooooods :)