thoughts on a 10miler

WHO KNEW SOMETHING THAT FEELS SO GOOD COULD LOOK SO BAD. thanks sweet sister of mine for this lovely photo of me at mile 9.

This is what went on in my brain this morning:

"wow, its early"
"wow, its dark"
"wonder if i will see a fox"
"wonder if anyone else will be out this morning"
"wonder if the boogie man is out there this morning".. "well, if he is and if he attacks me.... i can take em." LOL
"shoot my sock is slipping, oh well will fix if after my first 2 miles"
"wow, so weird my shorts don't rub"
"man its hot and sticky outside this morning, cant imagine running at any other time"
"wonder if i can make it faster this time"
"hey.. there my sister! yipeeeee!... sorry but you left your light on in your car :("
"wish i could visit with her more.... can't .. gotta get done.. "
"hu... 6 miles down.. i feel great, only walked once for about 20 yards so far"
"get back on the grass... dont step in a hole"
"the Lord is my strength" (loving that scripture on the sidewalk!.. needed it!)
"shoot.. the sprinklers are on... going in the road.. no cars coming..ok"
"opps.. wow.. almost stepped on a dead bird"
"good grief i am sweating a LOT.."
"wheres my gatorade? water?"
"people are out... so my phone can stay in the car this time around"
"time to get the kids"
"hurry up kids!"
"what do you mean you have two different shoes Nate? .. ugh.. ok.. we go back"
"hurry.. got 4 more miles"
"glad we live close"
"coach, i will be back.. got just 4 miles left"
"man... i actually feel GREAT to be at mile 8!.. still running"
'and Josha did this on a trail!".... I am such a softy
"ok.. now to change my shirt at the car its soaked.... "
"SHOOT.. just locked my keys in the car"
"just 8 laps around track and i am done"
"bye sis! loving seeing you at the track!" :)
"keep going"
"dont wanna walk"
"crap.. last mile always sucks, ready for it to be over"
"the faster i go the fast i be done"
"one lap"
"wooowhooooo! 10 miles done! soo happy"
"wheres my water"

When it was all said and done.. I ran all but about 20 yards of those ten miles. I did stop for about 20 secs (twice) on my last two laps around the track (my last 400 meter).. i was tired.
My watch says 1 hour 50 mins .. but gotta take out about 10 min for going to get the kids, figure 10 for drink stops and changin my shirt, give or take a few mins it would put me at about 1 hr 30 mins. I tried to keep it just under 9 min a mile.

Freaks me out.. I can run 10 miles and feel this great when I am done. THATS a new experience.

Another new experience. the dreaded bra rub. YES. just under and on my rib cage.... ouch. I was just so soaked with sweat that there was probably no way around it. So.. I am making myself take the time this mornin and ordering a new bra. I just think its funny that i have no rub problems in my thigh area anymore.. THAT use to be the norm.. not any more :) woowhoo!

Now, feeling great about doing 13.1 on the 4th.

ok.. i am starving... wheres the food? :)


Josha said…
wow! You're a streak of lightening! :)
Jae said…
Josha's were a streak of lightening :)

Whhooohhhooo, 10 miles!
Amy said…
Great job and fast too! I get that bra rub on longer runs, too, at the same place. I try to remember to use body glide or vaseline on that spot before I go running and then it doesn't bother me. The only problem is that I forget sometimes!