I always wondered how much work it would take to get where I wanted to be. The mentality of "life will be good when......" you know how it goes.
All these years always said "I dont have issues with working out.. I have issues with eating correctly" ... I would say things to myself "its ok to have a piece of cake or candy because I worked out today"
But now, now that I realize what junkie bad sugary food really and truly does to me.... I see this differently. People dont like to talk about the mental aspects of food and how it effects us, and Lord forbid if we even approach the spiritual side of what and how we eat... but I am beginning to really realize exactly what certain foods do to me.
Yesterday.... all it took was 2 starburst fruit chews.
I was cleaning the garage, i was getting hungry and knew i should have stopped to eat a piece of fruit and some nuts... but i was grimy and gross and didnt want to stop to eat... so i grabbed 2 fruit chews that were left over from track camp (when we did a lesson on nutrition etc) ...
I thought to myself... "its only 2 chews" .. no big deal... will tide me over 30 mins til i am done working..
10 mins later........
I found my thoughts were increadably negative. "why do i even try to keep things in order" "why shouldn't i just eat whatever i want" "why don't i do this or that" "I will never finish"... "I am not good enough.. i need to work harder, be better, do more".... (you get the idea) within about 15 mins i was craving MORE. i wanted to eat the whole bag... but i didnt.
I didnt realize until THIS MORNING that I was having a problem. You see... those kind of thoughts lasted alll night. This morning I went for a run.. was late getting out because i had to let my clothes dry... and as soon as I started running I began to tear up. Crying? and running... oh sure... use to do that alllll the time .... running and crying "I hate this" "i am such a slob" " i am so slow" "i look like an idiot" .....yadda yadda yadda........
After about 10 mins of running and jogging... IT HIT ME
I am NEVER like this anymore.... what is different.
I went back and looked at the foods I ate yesterday
only thing different
2 starburst fruit chews.
How much sugar is in a chew? about 2.5 grams of sugar. Not much. I had two... leaving me with 5 grams of sugar in a matter of about 10 seconds.
I wouldnt think 5 grams of sugar would effect me that much. I have eaten sugar alllllll my life... so 5 grams is NOTHING to me, seriously like 0.
What I am realizing is that flat out corn syrup or table sugar is just a drug to my body. A poison. I have gotten in tune with how i feel inside and the difference on and off sugar is scary.
So this gets me to thinking ........
What IF:
Depression, low self esteem, negative thinking could be drastically helped by not taking in HFCS and table sugar. What would happen? The drug companies would have a fit and so would the big sugar companies. Evidence is there.......but the evidence isnt as powerful as those two industries.
What IF:
Obesity, Heart Desease, Parkinsons, Diabetes could all be made amazingly better by not taking in this sugar. What would happen?What if doctors say "well, your obesity is going to kill you, you going to die at an early age because of it.... but if you get off sugar your body can heal itself" ... what if that same dr said "I understand letting go of sugar is hard... and scary but you can do it. HERE is a prescription for how to step down from sugar... come back and see me in 6 months"
What If:
In 100 years the public realizes whats going on... that big sugar is just like big tobacco. What if sugar companies, soda companies had to put warning lables on thier products like tobacco does today..........what if kids had to be 18 or 21 before they could get a coke or candy.........just like tobacco.....
would any of that help? Or are we a people who are so hooked in our addiction we dont even admit we have an issue.
So... I am left with this thought
I will do what I can to avoid table sugar and HFCS. not because i want to be thin.... and fit into a size 2 ........but because I want possitive self talk, happy thoughts, ... i want to live in the moment and not dribble away my life.
Offer me a fruit chew...................the answer will be no. its a rolled up little cigarate to me, a package of white powder that holds a power that I am not going to hand over without a fight.
Life is too short and I am worth more than how wonderful that sugar tastes.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.~Dresden James
(workout update: mile on campus.. some sprint work at track practice and that is it. will do pushups later today and abs... 13.1 scheduled for tomorrow :)
Good bye sugar---this song.. amazing.... he sings so effortlessly!