I JUST woke up for a 2.5 hour nap! Rest is soooo good :)
I have been trying to get in bed by 830pm but didnt make it until later during last week. The cool thing is... even though i get to be late I still wake up at 430 without my alarm :)

Rescue Her is the organization she is working with. I learned a lot about what is really going on around the world and in the US. Modern day slavery is real.
Please take a moment to check out Juliettas blog. Her goal is to raise awareness and enough money to rescue at least 2 women. You can purchase t-shirts, (like this one) or coffee or jewelry or donate.. .... it costs only 128.00 to help one girl gain her freedom .....please take a moment to help Julietta reach her goal. :) (if you do decide to purchase something from Rescue Her... please make a note "Juliettas Half" so she can keep track of her goal)
ok... fixing to head to bed.... will get up at 430 to go run atleast a 4 miler tomorrow morning ... i am soooo looking forward to it! I got new nike running shorts. Which to most people doesnt sound like a big deal ... but you see... i use to HATE running in short. I was a running skirt gal for the past almost 3 years. The reason? The rub. .. you know.. shorts just rub in the middle and gather all bunchy up in there......shorts were never comfy. It's strange to buy shorts. But even stranger the size i bought. You see.. I took in several pair ... mediums and smalls ( i did take in one extra small LOL.. cause it was a short i reallllly wanted but they didnt have a medium) ......
Anyway... I tried on several (needless to say the extra small was hilariously tight)........ I found a pair and liked the way the fit. ... I didnt even pay attention to the size.. i was in such a hurry. had too many things to try on you know..
Well.. tonight.. I go to wash the new shorts and glance at the tag. and it said SMALL. I was like.. "oh great.. I grabbed the wrong size... it was spose to be a medium that i bought"........I slipped them on in the laundry room.. and sure enough... they were the ones I had selected.
go figure.
SMALL. me. small.. hum...
my brain isnt caught up with my body. Its strange to be Small instead of xtralarge or large or medium. ......
OH.. and the shorts that rubbed and bunched. Well... I have figured out it wasnt the shorts fault.... it was my thighs! LOL
more tomorrow after my run :)