These shoes would have KILLED my feet before my fitness. My feet were one of the reasons I was determined to lose weight. My feet hurt all day and all night. NOT ANY MORE! What a GREAT reward for starting over!

If you will remember over a year ago I bought my first dress in 6 years CLICK :). I wasnt a dress gal because I just didnt feel pretty in them... all those fat rolls fit better in skirts and loose fitting shirts... or pants. .... Yesterday I bought dress #3 for me in many many years. (Dress #2 in my anniversery dress which you will not see until June 9th :) ....

Praise God for transformation of body, mind and spirit! Its a brand new day around here and Starting Over is such a blessing!
I thought a lot about Starting Over this morning on my 4 mile run before church. What a beautiful morning. Its been a while since I was able to run alone with just me and my ipod. I loved it!
Contemplating my July 4th half. Its been a tradition for years. Training the girls for the half on July third makes it tough to get my runs in... I will be checking on the girls most of that morning and prob will not run but ride my bike as a support to them...... So my tradition will prob continue to July 4th and doing half on that Sunday... but I need to get some longer runs in before that will happen ....My solution will be to get up EARLY this week and get out pre-sun up ... prob take my dog with me and see how it goes. I am sure there are others out then as its sooooo hot here later in the morning... will give it a shot tomorrow morning.
One side note... i slept for 10 hours last night! I use to just do the soda thing and ignore my bodys need for sleep... not anymore. :) 10 hours felt great! and i am set for a good week of early mornings!
Hope your day is blessed and your runs bring you peace and joy!