whats a girl to do?

well.. i am officially undecided. and thats fine for me for now.

I did not workout yesterday or friday. unless you call cleaning the house like a made woman a workout :) (i was sweating!) .. LOL..
eats have been soso..

my shoulder is hurting on and off .....i'm just trying not to use it.. will call DR tomorrow morning and see if i can get in.. its felt like it will pop out of socket a few times today but so far so good.. just same ole ache and pain.. although it does seem my range of motion is better... thats good right?

so will run or do legs tomorrow.

tonight i will try and get some good sleep :) (stayed up tooooo late last night and got up tooooo early this morning :)



Anonymous said…
thanks so much for such awesome comments on my blog recently. you don't know how much that means to me!
I sure do hope your shoulder issues get resolved. am experiencing the same kind of "delay" in treatment for my husband.
sauchagirl said…
It's ok to be undecided until you know what your abilities are. You're strong and you can do anything you put your mind to but you have decide where you really want to put your energy and focus. That's a huge decision. Nothing to be rushed into.

Hope you get to the dr. and maybe get to work with a physical therapist.