18 years of Choosing to Start Over

Welcome to were it all started, this space I created in January of 2006 to help me navigate my journey to personal health and fitness. I have come a LONG way from that first post 18 years ago and I am so grateful for all I have learned along the way. I will be coming here a lot more often over the next weeks, months and years as I have decided to begin writing, journaling and sharing here again. I hope and pray you might find inspiration here to help you along your own path to health and fitness. Please note that this 18 year journey consisted of several things I learned that did not work for me, others programs, supplements and others ideas of nutrition, health and fitness. I am leaving all these as is, so you can see my journey. I will be talking more about the different things I tried thru the years and what I learned about myself and what works for me along the way. If anything this blog chronicles my story of starting over and making hard choices to be who I someday dreamed of being. 

 For todays post I am sharing the first blog entry- one I wrote and told no one about. Initially this blog was private, then shared with just a few friends, then shared with the world... then I decided I didn't have much more to write about and have spent my time elsewhere. As I sit and write here again, I am already glad I am back typing away, sharing my thoughts and I hope you are too. 

 The act of making something different on January 09, 2006

 Modification: The act of making something different, or in my case, "someone" different. (ME)

 I have created this blog site to motivate myself, yes.. this is mostly selfish of me ( I figure if a few friends and family see my before pictures and are aware of my journey I will be more motivated to stick with it. I have my reasons for this which I will get into on a later post). But I do hope in some way I can help inspire others to change as well. I will post my before, "in progress" and after pics here as well. I will share with you my goals for weight loss/management, increasing my strength and energy levels. My goal is to be open and honest about the challenges of becoming fit and healthy. My Body Modification Blog is going to be more than just about changing my body. It will be about changing my life in more ways than one. I hope you will jump on your own Bod Mod journey with me ... If I can change, anyone can!

 People have decided to get fit using all kinds of methods. I am using the Body for Life method because the last time I followed this to a T I had great success and was bursting with energy. I believe there are a great many ways you can get healthy.. I found this article by a man who lost over 100 pounds .... it just goes to show that you don't have to have fads diets, drugs, or other things to get in shape.. more than anything it is about change. 

A few quotes to motivate me this week: 
 "Forget your past mistakes and focus on your successes encouraging yourself to greater achievements in the future."

 "It is never too late to become what you might have been."

 " Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."
