Perfect weather for running or sleeping in a hammock (which i plan to do later today)
low 70s (like 72) no wind- over cast ...... but 88% humidity
which is HI for here. I grew up on the coast of texas and wozer if felt like texas coast this morning!
By the time I was done I was DRENCHED in sweat... nothing evaporated. NOTHING. every crook and cranny was sweaty. and boy did I ever

thankful for the lighting! :)

thankful for God's word etched in stone!
So this is how it went down.
mile one.. great
mile 2.. great but hot
mile 3.. took off jacket and then great
mile 4... this song came on and I cried. Thinking of all my girls going to do their halfs on saturday and those who have already done them and those who wish they could.
Mile 5 .... OH GLORIOUS MILE FIVE... .LOVE LOVE LOVE MILE FIVE... runners high not a good enough word for it.
Mile 6 .... "oh shoot.. i ran mile 5 too fast... i new i felt too good.. should have made myself go slower" LOL... slowed down.
Mile 7 ... hum.. dont really remember
mile 8. ... ready to be done. wish the sprinklers were not on.. ran in the road to not get icky water on me........EEEEOOOOO A DEAD BIRD.. dont step on it!
mile 9... "good grief i am sweating!!! " "its soooo humid!" "did I just burp and those people hear it??"
mile 10 "why am i doing this AGAIN?" .. oh.. now.. ooooooooo ... feeling good again.... now I know why :)
Mile 12.. woowhoooo now to go around the track and field track ... oooooooooo.. people there.. the kids there... i am to tired to visit.... gotta keep going..... FRUSTRATION sets in.. realizing not going to make under 2 hours. if only i hadnt walked those few steps I walked.
Mile 13.... WHEN WILL IT BE OVER! ... ahhhh .. i am dying..... i am mad... cant believe i got so close to my goal and missed it..... DD (cat) gives me gatoraid.... then water.... two laps left.... AHHHH... stop and walk... ahhhh... start running again..
mile .1... Cat my daughter ran last lap with me... was great to have pacer there.. i drew on her energy and pushed through the pain..... dreaming maybe i could make it under 2 afterall...
screaming.... yelling.... almost cursing but there were kids around... so it was shhhhhhhhooooot... ...
pushed through... felt like throwing up.... people screaming for me... my gals.. my sister.... my kids... woowhooo..... i feel and look like crap ... but its done.

take a picture quick before I pass out! ... oops!

My boys... and Bella...
helping my legs feel better!

ok... i am back up... feeling like dancing with the kids :) (they were getting their spikes on to run again).. :) (they didnt want to dance) LOL

and.. as is the tradition... the 13.1 photo with my kids!
so happy its done.
2 hours 1 min 45 seconds.
(15 mins off my last time)
so close.
still happy. Progress not perfection!
Next time... 1 hour 59 :)
final thoughts.
I have NEVER been so soaked with sweat. Well maybe when I was 15 playing catcher at the state championships in Nacadochious Texas.. it was 103 and HUMID ... :) ...
happy with no rubbing anywhere! wowhoo
happy with no blisters
happy my body did so well.. my mind was weak...
so neat to have people at the end.. but weird too... first time to have audience at the end.
The ends not pretty..... the end is GLORIOUS.. pain-filled and wonderful.. but its NOT Pretty.
Not use to having people see my not pretty. red faced, stinky, frustrated, exhausted.... not pretty.
fast forward 15 mins after finish... i have a meet up with the toilet.... the gatoraid simply has too much sugar for my system.. tummy troubles lasted about 20 mins... and i am fine now.. but would love suggestions as to what sports drinks you choose with low sugar. I cannot do any other artificial sweetners either... all those give me headaches! I might be stuck coming up with my own concoction :) ..................
2 miles of glorious pain and frustration
I know you use Gatorade double or reg. strength -- I mix it half-strength since too much sugar also upsets my stomach and I haven't had any trouble - I just make sure to drink PLENTY of that kind of concoction. A thought...
thank you for continuing to inspire.
i use the diluted powerade like Sarah describes. I also take snap-n-queeze honey...don't know how your tummy is with honey. I've heard great things about nuun tablets, but don't know if they have artificial sweeteners or not...but i don't think so.
A lot of the people who come through the aid stations in our 50 mile go for baggies of salt. We kept a canister of salt on the table along with all the other snacks and drinks, and they poured it into their hand and liked it off and kept going. Or put it in a ziplock to take.
tried honey stingers? My tummy did ok with those, but most gels hurt. It's all natural and honeyful. I also take Justin's peanut butter...comes in little squeeze packets. Real food feels better in the belly to me.