Doing what I can until I can do what I dream of.

First, thank you for taking a moment to join me here, it is my prayer you will find hope and inspiration on these pages, as I share my journey in a bit more personal way. I have wrestled over the last year with success and failure and it has been eye opening for me in many ways. I have come to a few conclusions, and one is that my social media presence is in need of a change. That change has brought me back to blogging, back where it all began years ago. So, if you are wanting to follow me - this is where I will be for a while. 

I have made a few self discoveries recently and I feel like I have been dragging myself around like Joy dragged sadness around on "inside out", trying to pull myself out of the fog that is the loss of my pre-cvid work life. I have struggled to figure out who I am without my almost 40 hour a week fitness job(s). [For those of you who don't know I work 3 part-time jobs which are all fitness related and all totaled almost 40 hours week - but more if you count work I chose to do  away from work LOL.] Over the last year and a few months, I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone in a few ways; I became yoga certified and I am close to finished with my Holistic Nutritionist Certification and will begin working soon in my Holistic   Health Coach Certification, and I am looking over the next few months wanting to set goals and reset my focus. 

So, why am I here? I am here to share my journey as I navigate my own health and fitness life. Here I will share my dreams and goals, log my daily struggles and triumphs with training and fueling, and hopefully inspire a few others to become stronger in mind, body and spirit everyday. 

I am not sure what happened over the last few months, but a few runs on the treadmill has gotten me wondering about running again. As summer begins in a few weeks I will find myself with a slower groupX teaching schedule which, I have decided will leave me with enough time and energy to begin running again.  So.... I have decided to see if I can find those running legs I use to have and train for a half marathon this summer, which I will complete on or a few days before July 4th and with a hint of a idea that maybe a full marathon would be in order by September..... we will see. 

Here is my plan for the next 10 weeks
I will be walking and jogging in the begging to get a feel for how my legs take this addition back in my life. 
The biggest goal for me here is to revive my love for this time alone with my music, my body and my spirit. 
I will be teaching my groupX classes thru this so my x-training here will be restful, calming yoga. 
I will begin today with a jog on the treadmill. 

Doing what I can until I can do what I dream of. 

