8 months …. yikes

Its been 8 months since my last post. I have become one of THOSE people. A few years ago i would find blogs I loved and was inspired by and I would follow them… only to find they would go months without posting. ….. Sorry… thats what I have become.

I am at a point where my blog needs to be something more. I have been so busy doing what I love i haven't had time to sit and write. I dream of my own website, my own forums page, my own youtube channel to help coach and inspire people to be who they were created to be. The past 8 months have been amazing, stressful, exciting and mind blowing. I am in the best shape of my life but still struggle  to be healthier. Celiacs has taken many years to get accustomed too. I have had to conquer my food addiction, my sadness that I cannot be like everyone else and that some food is just poison to me. Thats my life… but even with the celiacs, i am thankful. I am thankful i finally feel GOOD… GREAT… I feel better than i did when I was 10 years old… and at almost 46 not many other women could say that about themselves. I have my own ups and downs, i am not perfect but I am determined.

Over the past 8 months, I have led hundreds of people in dance fitness, in dance worship and I have walked side by side with clients who are struggling to find what works for them, to squash their demons and find whats holding them back. I have felt the joy of the Spirit come over me while sweat drips off my nose and elbows onto the stage. I have cried tears of joy while leading 200plus people in Christian Dance Fitness because I am in awe that THIS is what I get to do. I have laughed with my Zumba class as they share with me the funny moments of messing up, and shouted at the top of my lungs as I witness how hard they push themselves. I have groaned in pain for having fallen off stage, only to get up and keep going. I have suffered the pain of a broken toe while sharing the JOY of dance fitness and not missing a class because of it.( I am still recovering from both of those injuries. )

I feel called.
I wrote a post years ago saying I wanted to start a REVOLUTION. That something needed to change, I feel that even deeper now. I don't know whats in store for me, I do know I am ready and willing to get out of my comfy zone and answer the call.

here we go.


The Warrior Suz said…
I used to blog all the time, too. I still get the urge to write, but sometimes life and other priorities pull me away from sitting at the desk and writing what's on my heart. Blogging used to be very therapeutic for me.
I am so proud of what you are doing and how far you have come.
You are living your destiny.