Yesterday was my 45th birthday.

I look at that number and simply cannot believe its true. Do I have issues about getting older? Well, most people i know would rather be younger... but whats a girl to do?
I struggled to try to find a way to celebrate.
Yesterday was a busy day for me... taught two classes ... One zumba and one zumba toning class.
Teaching went well even-though I haven't been feeling 100% lately. I was hoping to feel GREAT on my birthday... but it didn't happen. I have been fighting a bit of a cough for the past week or so, which has interrupted much of my sleep, which in turn has zapped my energy level. I keep thinking tomorrow I will be well rested and back to normal. This tired I know has a reason and wont last forever and in a few days I will be back to full energy bouncin off the walls energy. In many ways THIS tired is a blessing because it reminds me of how I use to fee allllll the time. I am so thankful those exhausting days are gone and my gluten exhaustion is a thing of the past.
So today I will celebrate with a 45 List:
1. Rest is important
2. We are stronger than we believe.
3. Life goes by quickly, suck it up and do what's best for yourself even-though you dont want to most days.
4. Age really is just a number. The past 5 years I have felt younger and younger even though my number keeps going up! :)
5. Believe it or not, I am a normal person... If I can change my life you can too.
6. Tomorrow is a new day.
7. If no one else believes in you, believe in yourself!
8. Don't wait, if you think something is wrong... figure out what it is... Even if every Dr you go to says "every test came back fine". Do your own research and keep asking questions.
9. We ARE what we eat. It sucks but its true. Is food more important than your health? We say we LOVE this or that food but do you love yourself enough not to eat it?
10. Everyone should dance like they did when they were 4 years old at least once a day!
11. People can bring you down, surround yourself with people to encourage you instead of doubt you.
12. Health and Fitness and NOT a competition. Find what works for you.
13. There is no magic pill, no perfect supplement, eat REAL food God made and you will see what I mean.
14. We spend so much time and energy on creating a beautiful home, or making sure our car is amazing, or making sure our outfits are current and trendy... why dont we spend that much time and energy on our health and fitness?
15. God loves us, we should love ourselves.
16. Sometimes people are just mean, stay away from those people if it bothers you... if you have to be around them, show them what happiness looks like.
17. Got Stress: get some boxing gloves and hit something...
18. Perfection is over rated.
19. Money is over rated.
20. Position in society is over rated.
21. Travel is over rated.
22. Being content, loving your life, your everyday boring life.... not even on the list of over "rated-ness" but should be.
23. Small houses are wonderful.
24. To LOVE being with your kids= priceless.
25. Smoothies... its what's for dinner.
26. Laughing so hard you cry.. glorious.
27. LOTS of people are walking around depressed.... share the love, give some hugs.
28. You never know what people are really going through in life, be a soft place for someone to fall.
29. Be YOU. Stop trying to fit in.
30. It's ok to dance.
31. Most things we think are big deals in life... really aren't.
32. If your life is not what you wanted... change what you can, you can change a lot more than you think.
33. People think I am 10 to 12 years younger than I really am. I like that.
34. Once I gave in to the fact that what I was eating was poisoning me... I finally became the person I was meant to be all along.
35. Food and its baggage has too high of a place in our society.
36. If we were as concerned about the fuel we put in our bodies as the fuel we put in our cars the fast food industry would be brought to its knees.
37. If you cant pronounce it, dont eat or drink it.
38. Kids like adults who aren't stressed out. Everything your kids learn about health and fitness they learn from YOU, like it or not its NOT what you say that matters... its what YOU DO.
39. I don't judge you for what your eating, dont judge me for what I dont eat.
40. Ask me a question about food, health or fitness be ready to hear the truth.
41. Being different is not easy.
42. No one ever says when they are in their 30s or 40s "I think when i get to be 50 or 60 or 70 that i would enjoy painful knees, driving a scooter, being diabetic, taking 10 prescription medications or being 60 to 100lbs overweight".... Being healthy when your OLD starts NOW people.... Changing habits doesnt get any easier the older you get. YOU have control. Its your choice.
43. You might think you can change your life by yourself... but you dont have too.... share your struggles, share your journey, find your support system.
44. Be the change you want to see in other people.
45. You doing NOTHING but getting older by the minute! Society wants us to believe getting older means having more pain, more aches, and wasting away our years in a old folks home.... God gave us amazing bodies, and minds and spirits to go along with them. Where do YOU want to be when your 45? 55? 65? 80? ......
I will still be dancing, I will be doing half and full marathons, I will be biking and hiking, I will be loving life and experiencing it instead of watching it go by on a TV screen or Youtube channel.
Yes.... I am 45 but I am strong, fit, and healthy. I have never felt better in my life. Praise God for allowing me to transform my mind, body and spirit.
This year one thing I do plan on doing is blogging more and more.... so please stay tuned :)

I look at that number and simply cannot believe its true. Do I have issues about getting older? Well, most people i know would rather be younger... but whats a girl to do?
I struggled to try to find a way to celebrate.
- The runner in me wants to get out there and run a half marathon, but reality is i simply cannot do that. Physically my weeks are packed and sometimes I do wonder about over training. I have to be conscious of not doing too much.... HA... thats funny. ... To think in 2006-2007 when I started blogging here the concept of over training wasnt even in my realm of thinking. Most days I was exhausted. I could barely get off the couch much less dance for an hour! ha! ... .... .. anyway.. So, running is out. (sorry for the ramble)
- I also seriously considered another ear piercing, and even a nose piercing.. (ha) .. but I couldn't bring myself to go thru the pain of it all.
So.. no fancy fun way to celebrate my birthday like I usually do. But I still had a good day :)

Teaching went well even-though I haven't been feeling 100% lately. I was hoping to feel GREAT on my birthday... but it didn't happen. I have been fighting a bit of a cough for the past week or so, which has interrupted much of my sleep, which in turn has zapped my energy level. I keep thinking tomorrow I will be well rested and back to normal. This tired I know has a reason and wont last forever and in a few days I will be back to full energy bouncin off the walls energy. In many ways THIS tired is a blessing because it reminds me of how I use to fee allllll the time. I am so thankful those exhausting days are gone and my gluten exhaustion is a thing of the past.
So today I will celebrate with a 45 List:
1. Rest is important
2. We are stronger than we believe.
3. Life goes by quickly, suck it up and do what's best for yourself even-though you dont want to most days.

5. Believe it or not, I am a normal person... If I can change my life you can too.
6. Tomorrow is a new day.
7. If no one else believes in you, believe in yourself!
8. Don't wait, if you think something is wrong... figure out what it is... Even if every Dr you go to says "every test came back fine". Do your own research and keep asking questions.
9. We ARE what we eat. It sucks but its true. Is food more important than your health? We say we LOVE this or that food but do you love yourself enough not to eat it?
10. Everyone should dance like they did when they were 4 years old at least once a day!
11. People can bring you down, surround yourself with people to encourage you instead of doubt you.
12. Health and Fitness and NOT a competition. Find what works for you.
13. There is no magic pill, no perfect supplement, eat REAL food God made and you will see what I mean.
14. We spend so much time and energy on creating a beautiful home, or making sure our car is amazing, or making sure our outfits are current and trendy... why dont we spend that much time and energy on our health and fitness?
15. God loves us, we should love ourselves.
16. Sometimes people are just mean, stay away from those people if it bothers you... if you have to be around them, show them what happiness looks like.
17. Got Stress: get some boxing gloves and hit something...
18. Perfection is over rated.
19. Money is over rated.
20. Position in society is over rated.
21. Travel is over rated.
22. Being content, loving your life, your everyday boring life.... not even on the list of over "rated-ness" but should be.
23. Small houses are wonderful.
24. To LOVE being with your kids= priceless.
25. Smoothies... its what's for dinner.

27. LOTS of people are walking around depressed.... share the love, give some hugs.
28. You never know what people are really going through in life, be a soft place for someone to fall.
29. Be YOU. Stop trying to fit in.
30. It's ok to dance.
31. Most things we think are big deals in life... really aren't.
32. If your life is not what you wanted... change what you can, you can change a lot more than you think.
33. People think I am 10 to 12 years younger than I really am. I like that.
34. Once I gave in to the fact that what I was eating was poisoning me... I finally became the person I was meant to be all along.
35. Food and its baggage has too high of a place in our society.
36. If we were as concerned about the fuel we put in our bodies as the fuel we put in our cars the fast food industry would be brought to its knees.
37. If you cant pronounce it, dont eat or drink it.
38. Kids like adults who aren't stressed out. Everything your kids learn about health and fitness they learn from YOU, like it or not its NOT what you say that matters... its what YOU DO.
39. I don't judge you for what your eating, dont judge me for what I dont eat.
40. Ask me a question about food, health or fitness be ready to hear the truth.
41. Being different is not easy.
42. No one ever says when they are in their 30s or 40s "I think when i get to be 50 or 60 or 70 that i would enjoy painful knees, driving a scooter, being diabetic, taking 10 prescription medications or being 60 to 100lbs overweight".... Being healthy when your OLD starts NOW people.... Changing habits doesnt get any easier the older you get. YOU have control. Its your choice.
43. You might think you can change your life by yourself... but you dont have too.... share your struggles, share your journey, find your support system.
44. Be the change you want to see in other people.
45. You doing NOTHING but getting older by the minute! Society wants us to believe getting older means having more pain, more aches, and wasting away our years in a old folks home.... God gave us amazing bodies, and minds and spirits to go along with them. Where do YOU want to be when your 45? 55? 65? 80? ......
I will still be dancing, I will be doing half and full marathons, I will be biking and hiking, I will be loving life and experiencing it instead of watching it go by on a TV screen or Youtube channel.
Yes.... I am 45 but I am strong, fit, and healthy. I have never felt better in my life. Praise God for allowing me to transform my mind, body and spirit.
This year one thing I do plan on doing is blogging more and more.... so please stay tuned :)