In this world we try to fit in .. We grow up with expectations to be unique but not too unique. The world expects us to not become too radical, the world whispers "oh u cant do this or that cause people would talk about you, look at u like your crazy."
Everyone wants to fit it. Everyone wants to be excepted, it's not easy feeling uneasy in a group. I want to know how I got so stuck, in my 20s and 30s how did I get so lost, my uniqueness, my joy was fading away. Get married, get a job, have kids, get a car, get a house, go to girls night or ladies bible class and talk the hours away about our hopes and dreams... Or more than likely about how miserable we were.... work/sacrifice/put yourself last and complain the whole way. I was stressed to the hilt, worn out, exhausted...all I wanted was a trip to Olive Garden and a movie to check out of busy life. I was so tired of trying to fit in. I felt like something was wrong but I couldn't figure out what. I have always been a round shape trying to fit myself in a square box.
What happened to that "I am ME" attitude that I had when I was 3 years old? A three year old is unique. A three year old is confident. A three year old enjoys buckin the system. My three year old died somewhere in my 20s. I was tired of not fitting in but it was too exhausting to even think about change, when you get to a certain point in life being unique is hard work. Something was bothering me but I couldn't put my finger on it.. All I knew is I felt better when I ate my stress away, pushing the thoughts of what if, I wish I had, or why nots to the back of my mind.
I truly believe the devil is alive and well in this world. I also the devil uses all he can to motivate us to be just like each other. Robots don't talk back, the are programmed to be what the master says.
People God did not create us to be robots. He gave each one of us gifts, talents, and thoughts with whisperings of hopes and dreams. God created a masterpiece when he created you, not a numbered print.
It's hard to break away from this world. It's work to be different, to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. It's not easy realizing that some people are never going to want to be around you because you throw a kink in their system. You dont eat like them, you dont talk about the things they talk about, and dad gum you so happy all the time. But what if, what if being YOU is what changes the world. What if being YOU is what inspires people to become who they were meant to be. What if j just being yourself, speaking your mind, loving your life, being joyful, making unique choices, loving and enjoying people for who they are despite their sinful ways is what it's all about.
What happens to us when we throw a kink in the system and decide that being who we truly are is more important than what others think of us. What happens when we change our minds and decide to be brilliant and amazing, joyfully setting about on the journey that only God has planned? Well, when we choose differently than those around us, we act differently, we have a spring n our step and a sparkle in our eye. Jesus didn't die for me so I could live my life just like everyone else. He died for my uniqueness, he died so I could be FREE IN HIM, not bound by what the world thinks I should be.
Today I challenge you to be you. It's not as easy as it seems.
Everyone wants to fit it. Everyone wants to be excepted, it's not easy feeling uneasy in a group. I want to know how I got so stuck, in my 20s and 30s how did I get so lost, my uniqueness, my joy was fading away. Get married, get a job, have kids, get a car, get a house, go to girls night or ladies bible class and talk the hours away about our hopes and dreams... Or more than likely about how miserable we were.... work/sacrifice/put yourself last and complain the whole way. I was stressed to the hilt, worn out, exhausted...all I wanted was a trip to Olive Garden and a movie to check out of busy life. I was so tired of trying to fit in. I felt like something was wrong but I couldn't figure out what. I have always been a round shape trying to fit myself in a square box.
What happened to that "I am ME" attitude that I had when I was 3 years old? A three year old is unique. A three year old is confident. A three year old enjoys buckin the system. My three year old died somewhere in my 20s. I was tired of not fitting in but it was too exhausting to even think about change, when you get to a certain point in life being unique is hard work. Something was bothering me but I couldn't put my finger on it.. All I knew is I felt better when I ate my stress away, pushing the thoughts of what if, I wish I had, or why nots to the back of my mind.
I truly believe the devil is alive and well in this world. I also the devil uses all he can to motivate us to be just like each other. Robots don't talk back, the are programmed to be what the master says.
People God did not create us to be robots. He gave each one of us gifts, talents, and thoughts with whisperings of hopes and dreams. God created a masterpiece when he created you, not a numbered print.
It's hard to break away from this world. It's work to be different, to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. It's not easy realizing that some people are never going to want to be around you because you throw a kink in their system. You dont eat like them, you dont talk about the things they talk about, and dad gum you so happy all the time. But what if, what if being YOU is what changes the world. What if being YOU is what inspires people to become who they were meant to be. What if j just being yourself, speaking your mind, loving your life, being joyful, making unique choices, loving and enjoying people for who they are despite their sinful ways is what it's all about.
What happens to us when we throw a kink in the system and decide that being who we truly are is more important than what others think of us. What happens when we change our minds and decide to be brilliant and amazing, joyfully setting about on the journey that only God has planned? Well, when we choose differently than those around us, we act differently, we have a spring n our step and a sparkle in our eye. Jesus didn't die for me so I could live my life just like everyone else. He died for my uniqueness, he died so I could be FREE IN HIM, not bound by what the world thinks I should be.
Today I challenge you to be you. It's not as easy as it seems.