It's been a while: Photo update!

 So I think its been close to 3 years since i have posted any progress photos, at least on my photo page...  so here you go
you can also view comparison photos on that page:  "transformation via photos" page tab at the top of the blog.

One thing I want to make sure everyone knows.... The body I have now is after a year of 95% nothing but zumba. I havent run in a year :( and the only "weight" lifting I have found time for is body weight things like pushups... I also started teaching cardio kick this semester but that is just 1x a week. needless to say I am very surprised at how zumba has helped me keep and actually increased my muscle (esp in my legs and butt)....

As the weather starts to warm up I am hoping and praying I can get back to running... i miss it! I have found some relief from my heel spur issue.... and have no pain from the spur, which is great.. but I do have issues with tight calves and heel pad pain esp when I run.... a solution I have found that is helping a lot (besides stretching a LOT) is deep deep massage. I actually went completely pain free last week for 3 hours after a very deep and heated massage on my calf and Achilles.... so.. I am very hopeful  :).......running? July? half marathon? .... I can still dream. 

 If I can, you can :) 
