It's the little things...

Getting down on the floor
Getting up off the floor
The seat belt in the car being LOSE on my stomach and boobs
Being able to crawl from the front to the back seat or the drivers to the passengers without getting out of the car!
Bounding up stairs 2 at a time without second thought.
Staying awake alllllll day ... No sluggish time between 3 and 5pm
Not wanting people to see the size I was pulling off the rack at the store..
Rolling over at night without stomach (scare tissue cseection pain)
Climbing a tree if I want too.....

It's the little things that catch in my mind as I go thru  my day... Little things that use to be BIG things, frustrating things or "whoops I shouldn't have just done that" things...

Praise God for helping me change... Praise God for the bodies he gives us that can take so much and still recover from what we put it thru...

I have dreams of running ..... Hopefully someday running will be a little thing I do agan without thinking. Right now it's a HUGE thing... I miss's who i am.. I am a runner... It's my thang and I miss it terribly.... But nothing I can do but what I can...

Frustration, pain and disappointment are all that running give me now....

I know someday I will run again... Until then I will cry every once n a while and know someday it will be a little thing too.
