How did I get here?

Reality for me these days is this:

Certified level 2 Personal trainer
Running Coach with USATF
Certified Group Exercise Instructor: Kickboxing, Bootcamp, Step, Cardio Aerobics etc
Certified Zumba Instructor level 1, 2, and Zumbatomic.

I dont get through my day without thinking about how I use to be. Some days I have to pinch myself to know all this is real. You see, I remember vividly the days of struggle and the days when I looked upon people working in the fitness industry as fanatics and something impossible to reach. I am.... How is the world did this 44 year old homeschooling mom become this?

There are 3 keys to my success.

#1. Prayer
#2. Inspiration
#3. Starting Over

You see I am NEVER perfect. I "fall off the bandwagon many times a year" the secret is that when I do fall I chase that durn wagon down as fast as I can and jump back on. Starting Over is a process for me. Here is how it usually goes: 1. I start feeling like crap and know I want to change, unhappy with the lack of energy or extra fat that I have put on and loss of muscle............2. I look for reasons to start again.... search for inspiration via the internet, stories of people who have busy lives who make health a priority, people who are amazingly fit while living a physically challenged life (leaving my excuses in the dust)...and finally 3. making a commitment yet again to be better tomorrow than I am today.... facing the fact that starting over stinks but its better than staying where I am at.

When I first started this blog I didnt want anyone to know about it. I was terrified of people seeing my progress photos..... after almost 6 years of this journey I want EVERYONE to know where I use to be. I dont want people to assume I was always this fit..... I want people to know I understand what its like to want to change, to dream of being a size 8 instead of a 18.... I want people to know I remember the hidden pain and frustration I carried inside. I want people to realize that true transformation exists and that its not a life of deprivation or constant dieting.... that true transformation is a life of joy, and peace with your choices, that its filled with healthy foods you love and crave as much as you do a cheese burger and coke.

How did I get here? By working through food addictions, embracing  possibilities of food allergies, dreaming of feeling wonderful instead of exhausted, by working through emotional eating, by prayerfully asking God to help me be OK with being different than the world. ..... by Prayer and wonder of what could be. ... I let God break me and tried to follow where he was leading. I try everyday to be joyful in knowing I am more with God in control than I ever would be on my own.

Everyone falls into the hell whole that is becoming unfit. We all know what its like to hear our own negative self talk, our spirits filling up with self pity and "why should I keep trying because I will only fail"..... I believe there is a war for our minds, bodies and souls. The devil wants us to be less confident, the wants us to be sickly and not have the energy of mind or body to share what we know.... the truth that this world is NOT our home, that we are made in GODs image and that God has a glorious plan for each of us.

Next semester I am teaching 3 zumba classes, 1 kickboxing class, a bootcamp class, a family fitness class and coaching track.... I pray God can use me to challenge and inspire people to be who God meant them to be and find JOY is a healthy life style.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Col 3:2
Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. Col 3:23
