Taking it up a notch

I stumbled upon this website last night...   And I think I have found my next challenge. I will be using some of these moves during my kickboxing class next semester and want/need to get a head start on getting prepared for teaching that class. I have about 6 or 8 weeks before I begin teaching it so hopefully by then I will be in shape enough that teaching wont exhaust me :) 

In the video and on the site they suggest doing the following, in order and you can take breaks or modify as needed. My goal is to be able to do this whole list by New Years Day and it will be how I ring in my new year (after a 13 min warm up :)
  • Backward Lunge Kick Up25 reps on each leg
  • Walk Over Push Up50 reps
  • Mountain Climber50 reps
  • Sumo Squats Knee Up50 reps
  • One Leg Bridge Leg Lift25 reps on each leg
  • Side to Side Squat & Leg Lift50 reps
  • One Arm Tricep Push Up25 reps on each arm
  • Star Crunch50 reps
  • Diagonal Touch Down25 reps on each side
  • Side Plank Lift25 reps on each side
  • One Leg Wall Sit25 reps on each leg
You already know I went for a run today (yay!) and so a few mins ago I did my own version of this list... (my computer was dead and I didnt want to wait so I did what I could remember from last night)... Here is what I just finished and in order

  • One Arm Tricep Push 15 on each arm
  • plank one elbow on ground one hand on ground and toes on ground, bring knee to elbow 20 each leg
  • planks with elbows and feet on ground bring but up in bridge then tummy down to ground 15 reps
  • Backward Lunge Kick Up 15 each leg
  •  Side to Side Squat & Leg Lift 20 each leg
  • Star Crunch 20
  • One Leg Bridge Leg Lift 15 each leg
  • Walk over pushups 5 reps (i am soooo sore from my 100 pushups ) 
  • One leg plank facing down one leg kick up 15 reps each leg
So I didnt do exactly like the list above like they suggest but it was similar.....
I will try to do the first list on Tuesdays and Thursdays later in the day and well after my 2.5 mile run :) 



Sarah said…
Bodyrock has evolved since I was familiar with it (there was relationship drama with the lady who started it -- I'm not really clear on what all is going on with it now). Those look normal and do-able, but it used to KILL my knees. They were all plyometric type moves -- jump lunges, etc. After about 2 weeks, I could hardly walk, and had to find a different workout. BUT -- I won't lie -- they are GREAT, short workouts. Now I am onto blogilates.com. Love her! (Have 3 cups of coffee before you watch her -- WAY perky). But a great workout, too.