2013..... Goals? Starting Over.

I know I know . The New Year is over a month away, but I have already started to think about what goals I have planned for 2013.

This past year wasnt at all what I expected. I expected to run atleast 13 half marathons, I expected to run atleast 1 full marathon, I expected to do lots of things... but 2012 had its own plans and sad to say 10 months of the 12 were filled with very limited running. The worst thing that can happen to a runner is to force them NOT TO RUN. How can someone who is a RUNNER.. NOT RUN? You see... being a running isnt just about the calories burned or the inches lost .. its not about time and its not about a tshirt... A TRUE running runs for what it teaches them about life and how it changes them on the inside. . A True runner runs to clear the mind and soul.

How can a runner, not run.

Well, a runner who is unable to run still looks at life thru the eyes of a runner. Every HARD workout I do, Every sweat drop that hits the floor in zumba or while doing pushups is seen thru my running heart and soul. I compare every workout to "that grueling 11 miler, or that glorious 16  miler.. or that hill or sprint workout from 2010." EVERY TIME the workout gets tough i think "this is nothing compared to 26.2 miles. ... this is only an hour.... this is a piece of cake compared to 26.2."

So just because I have had very limited miles under my belt for 2012 ... i have grown as a runner. I have cried, groaned in frustration and had quite a few pity parties for myself. When I would get down...  runner in me always brings reality back  to the forefront of my mind...  because I knew deep down inside that running was in my future...

I knew someday I WOULD RUN AGAIN....

Praise the Lord........the day has arrived. ! Tomorrow morning my 11 year old son and I plan to hit the running trail in 40 degree weather. It will be 2 miles of joy and mixed emotions for me. As I sit here and ponder what that means.... I feel excitement and frustration at the same time... 2 miles.
 2 miles is NOTHING. 2 miles isnt even a warm up... 2 miles is like going to the fridge and sitting back on the couch..... its a walk in the park. .... HA.

Yeah... THAT'S WHAT THE MARATHONER IN ME SAYS......ha.... what a joke. Tomorrow I am expecting 2 miles to kill me. I am expecting 2 miles to feel like 16.... but hopefully it will be 2 miles of joy!

I am anxious to see how my heel spur does... the Dr said that as long as I kept my foot taped when I ran I should have no problems and that i could run as far as I wanted as long as I am taped, stretch and ice like I now I should. Will I run 2 miles pain free? Will i feel like the me of old... NO foot pain? .....................
I have been at this so long,
                                         ... I have STARTED OVER soooooooooooooo many times.




I have no idea how I will react after my two miler. .... but I will let you know .....tomorrow.

Until then ... Here is a sneak peak::::
wanna know some of the goals I have for now and 2013? 

#1. integrate running back into my life.......enjoy the relaxation it brings.
#2. I would love to run a Christmas 12k with Josha :) .. but I am going to be taking things very slow so if not a 12k atleast a 5k. 
#3. By the end of 2013 I want to be able to do 10 one armed pushups (always wanted to do 1 arm pushups) 
#4. I would love to loose some inches in my tummy.. although I know that my baby belly skin might hide the 6 pack... I wanna try for a lean tummy and get my current 4pack a bit more chiseled.
#5. I want to run a half marathon on Easter, July 4th, Sept 24th, Thanksgiving and Christmas 2013.
