Yesterday I taught 2 1 hour sessions of zumba! I loved it! Of course I had to take a 3 hour nap in between sessions to be rested enough to teach in the evening LOL....
When I teach zumba its MY workout for the day so I try to push myself hard most times I teach unless I am really really sore or havent gotten enough rest. Yesterday was such fun! The first session I taught a group of teenage girls who were participating in a summer camp, most had not ever done zumba before! Afterwards one of the girls said "I LOVED IT! It was hard.. but so much fun!"
Zumba has gotten me out of my comfy zone for sure. I grew up in a environment where dancing was very much frowned upon. Sure I danced at home with my records blasting but I didnt dare dance anywhere else!
This fall I have some decisions to make when it comes to instructing. I am afraid eventhough I love it so I need to cut back on how many hours I teach. Its going to be a hard decision.
I am very hopeful to run a bit this morning in track practice. It seems my heal spur this week is making some progress. I hope to do 1 mile on the grass at track and see who it does. I really really want to do a half marathon with my training group on Nov 3rd. I will be so disappointed if i cant.
I am off to practice!
hope you have a blessed day!
When I teach zumba its MY workout for the day so I try to push myself hard most times I teach unless I am really really sore or havent gotten enough rest. Yesterday was such fun! The first session I taught a group of teenage girls who were participating in a summer camp, most had not ever done zumba before! Afterwards one of the girls said "I LOVED IT! It was hard.. but so much fun!"
Zumba has gotten me out of my comfy zone for sure. I grew up in a environment where dancing was very much frowned upon. Sure I danced at home with my records blasting but I didnt dare dance anywhere else!
This fall I have some decisions to make when it comes to instructing. I am afraid eventhough I love it so I need to cut back on how many hours I teach. Its going to be a hard decision.
I am very hopeful to run a bit this morning in track practice. It seems my heal spur this week is making some progress. I hope to do 1 mile on the grass at track and see who it does. I really really want to do a half marathon with my training group on Nov 3rd. I will be so disappointed if i cant.
I am off to practice!
hope you have a blessed day!