Zumba vs Running: The Battle Begins

 I am just home from a 2.5 miler, it was not what I expected.... but then again when is running ever what we expect? I haven't run much since my 4 half marathons in a row, so this morning when I woke up with a craving to go for a run I went for it! I loved the idea of 13 half marathons in 13 month but I came to realize that dream was a great one but just not the right time in my life. I became focused on the 13.1 for the goal sake and lost sight of the joy of running.

Since becoming a Zumba Instructor I have thought a lot about how to balance running and zumba. Zumba is so fun and at the end of an hour class I am left soaked in sweat and happy! I LOVE teaching zumba... but I find JOY in running. I find a peace, a relaxation with running that I havent found anywhere else. Running balances my life. It gives me my alone time, time to focus on whats bugging me.. it helps me figure out my problems and reminds me of the blessings in my life.

After my run, as I was walking just a few blocks from  my house I realized that Zumba  and Running are both great workouts but running is, as always... different for me.  I will never stop running simply for the mental aspect of it. The battle for me will be how to find time for both. Next week I plan on 3 mornings of runs with three evenings of zumba... plus coaching track practice 5 days a week which i hope to get a few jogs in here in there....

With that said, this mornings run was all about warming up and stretching.... and stretching and stretching. I have had issues with the left side of my body (my back, back of my leg and heal) and after trying resting and it made it worse.... I have decided to take a slow and easy program back into running... this week I will rung 2.5 miles 3 times this week with emphasis on stretching. Next week will bump it up to 3 miles... and so on.

On the eats front.... I am focused this week on raw. I need the energy it gives me. I love the way it makes me feel. I want to learn how to "uncook" I want to love preparing food and not think of it as a chore. I really hate shopping and meal planning and cooking.... mostly because I am lazy I think.... but also because everyone else depends on me for what they eat. I remember a time when all I had to focus on what what I ate... ... but being a mom and wife changes those things. I have to shop for 5 not 1. .......its work. simple as that.

I am off to get a day of schooling in with the kids.... then two lawns mowed, grocery shopping done and then teach phase1 tonight. ... .... hope your day is blessed!

