On January 9th 2006 I started this blog. I began with three posts I wrote throughout the first day. The second post contained before pictures. Those photos were in black and white and didn't show my face. I couldn't bring myself to show my "true" self and certainly didn't have the courage to show my face! When I first started writing here I told just a few friends and my husband. I never planned to share this with the "world" but God had a different plan.
Here I am six years later, a marathoner, a certified personal trainer, running coach, gluten free, mostly sugar free, milk free and feeling GREAT.
I failed so many times over the past 6 years. If I have learned anything its that life will always get in the way and that the only control we have over it when it does is to pick up the pieces and start over, and over, and over and over.
So today I celebrate by re-posting the words that started it all.....
And if you are struggling to stay motivated and find it hard to stay on course might I suggest starting a fitness blog? If you do I promise I will read and encourage you :) plus.... there's no telling who you might inspire to get moving too!
Jan 9 2006 :
The act of making something different
Modification:The act of making something different, or in my case, "someone" different. (ME)
I have created this blog site to motivate myself, yes.. this is mostly selfish of me ( I figure if a few friends and family see my before pictures and are aware of my journey I will be more motivated to stick with it..I have my reasons for this which I will get into on a later post).
But I do hope in some way I can help inspire others to change as well. I will post my before, "in progress" and after pics here as well. I will share with you my goals for weight loss/management, increasing my stregth and energy levels. My goal is to be open and honest about the challenges of becoming fit and healthy.
My Body Modification Blog is going to be more than just about changing my body. It will be about changing my life in more ways than one. I hope you will jump on your own Bod Mod journey with me ... If I can change, anyone can!
People have decided to get fit using all kinds of methods. I am using the Body for Life method because the last time I followed this to a T I had great succes and was bursting with energy. I believe there are a great many ways you can get healthy.. I found this article by a man who lost over 100 pounds .... it just goes to show that you dont have to have fads diets, drugs, or other things to get in shape.. more than anything it is about change. (you can copy and paste this link into your browser to read the article.. it is inspiring!)
A few quotes to motivate me this week:
"Forget your past mistakes and focus on your successes encouraging yourself to greater achievements in the future."
"It is never too late to become what you might have been."
" Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."
Second Post:
(boy howdy this puts the pressure on!!!)
Ok so here I am .. I must say this was difficult for me to do.. Its one thing to share your before pics AFTER the transformation.. yet another while you still look like this.. UHG.. some people might wonder why black and white.. .. well it just made me more comfortable, I will share my color photo when I share my afters in 12 weeks.
So why show these pics.. Well.. its facing reality for me.. its admitting I have let myself go and its owning the fact that I dont want to be out of shape anymore..
I also feel some of you will say "oh.. you dont look that bad!.. or .. you shouldnt worry so much about it" .. but you see for me it more about how I feel.. I have NO energy and if I have a choice.. which I do.. I prefer to not be lugging around any extra pounds.. Witih that said.. here I am .. with my measurements to say.. I have the power to change. (and so do you by the way)

my measurements
chest 37.5 inches
bicept 12 inches
hips 40.4 inches
waist 34
thighs 22.25
weight 140
my goals:
125lbs if I can reach that at a reasonable body fat %
be able to run 2 miles in less that 20 minutes
Eat a well balanced diet (5-6 meals a day)
Take my supplements everyday.
Get completely off Caffine
Be able to do 20 "boys" pushups
Be able to do 3 pullups
Feel good, Have energy.
Way in the future:
I would love to run a marathon or triathalon for my 40th birthday. Anyone care to join me? We've got 2 years or so.. :) .. we could go for ice cream afterward! .. :) hehe
Third Post from Jan 9, 2006:
So .. here is the question.. how much should a person weigh based on their height?
When I was in highschool I weighed around 115lbs.. when I got married (15 years ago) I weighed 120lbs.. After I had my second child I weighed 165lbs and was a size 14 after my third 176 lbs and was a size 16. I did the bfl program 4 years or so ago and weighed 135 and wore a womens size 6. Today I am 140lbs and a womans size 9. So.. which is the right size and weightfor my body or does it even matter?
I have found a few website to calculate my body frame size. I thought I was medium frame.. ends up I am small frame.. going on what I calculated the weight I should be (at 5'4" tall and a small frame) should be 114 to 127lbs.
BUT I am a believer that muscle weighs more than fat! I understand that if I am gaining muscle I will weigh more.. and that will be great.. I dont have an issue with that.. but I would prefer to not be 140lbs and most of that extra be fat instead of muscle. If I end the program and weigh 140lbs but can run 2 miles, squat my body weight, do "boys" push ups.. that will be great. It is not how much you weigh when you decide to start putting on muscle.. its how much body fat you have. I still believe in using the weight/height/frame size as a guide line but when it comes down to it I really dont care how much I weigh if I am in shape.
Happy 6th birthday blog!
Thanks for the transformation!
oh.. and on the workout front.. i ran 45 mins on the treadmill and 12 mins on the bike... had a great workout at the rec center :) woowhoo! Tonight is pushups again with the hubby... I will let you know how that goes
oh.. and on the workout front.. i ran 45 mins on the treadmill and 12 mins on the bike... had a great workout at the rec center :) woowhoo! Tonight is pushups again with the hubby... I will let you know how that goes