Goodbye Smith, A Run and stupid gluten

Yesterday after my run my hubby and I loaded our smith machine, all our plate weights, squat rack, and leg extension machine onto a trailer and hauled it to our storage shed. With my hubby's new job at a Rec Center we havent used our weight equipment in atleast 6 months. We have a very nice facility less than 2 mins from our home so we have decided to store our equipment for the time being and see how we like a clutter free garage AND weight lifting at the rec center instead of of the cold garage this winter :)

Its hard to believe its not here anymore....we have decided to hold on on selling it to make sure we like life without it here... 

So babye for now smith... you were good to me!
 My toe is much better.... still sore..... but much much better.
Yesterday I headed out and got a 4.5 mile run in... followed by a 2 mile brisk walk with the hubby!
I am so happy to be back running!
Dont get me wrong, I love Zumba too but running is just my thang! ha.

On the eats front... The struggle still exists for me. Beating gluten seems to be the hardest part of my journey so far,,,, or atleast as  hard as sugar was. I can go weeks without gluten and feel great and then one day just get derailed.

Some how I must get over the fact that I MUST eat differently. VERY DIFFERENTLY than the majority of people in my life. To be consistent with eating healthy is a different lifestyle anyway... but to throw in no gluten and no sugar and limited meat ... well.. that puts me on the fridges of society I suppose.
This journey has always been more of a mental struggle than anything else. Learning to LOVE THE FOOD THAT LOVES ME.... is not an easy task.

It's not easy to be different. It's not easy to try to be like everyone else either :) ... So this week I will set my goals... focus on my progress and not get bogged down in my imperfection.

Why is it important to eat gluten free?

Here are the top 3 reasons for me:

1. If you are gluten sensitive and you continue to eat it then you could develop some serious issues: 
. Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Research has shown that, gluten intolerance may be related to fibrocystic breast disease. Studies have also revealed that eliminating gluten from the diet have provided relief to patients suffering from fibrocystic breast disease. However, what exactly happens due to gluten intolerance that triggers this disease is yet to be known.

Cancer: Gluten intolerance can also be a potential risk factor for causation of cancer in immune compromised individuals. One of the actors explaining this relationship is the nutritionally deprived and weak immune status of the individual. Another factor that is known to trigger the formation of cancer or tumor cells is the excess amount of sugar that is circulating in the blood. It has been found that excess amount of sugar feeds tumors and in turn helps them to grow. This explains high cancer rates amongst individuals with diabetes and gluten intolerance.

Diabetes: A direct link between gluten intolerance and diabetes mellitus has been established. Gluten has been found to trigger the increased insulin production and its release leading to an imbalance in the blood sugar levels in the blood. 

for the list of top ten diseases linked to gluten click here

2. When I eat gluten it makes me feel bad! Why I would eat something I KNOW would give me a stomach ache, leaves me bloated, make my skin break out, and leaves me lethargic is hard for me to explain.. but for the fact that breaking 40 years of eating habits is challenging.

3. I want to be a good example to my family! All my children have issues with gluten. I need to be the example and show them how to eat gluten free and be healthy and happy! I want to be a good example to my clients and friends!

It isnt surprising to me why I feel FANTASTIC when I eat 90%  Raw Vegan... When I eat RV my body is finally getting the nutrients its craved for 40 years.  RV is so different, but it makes me feel sooooooo good! 
Its not the diet for everyone... but I know how it makes me feel... so for this next week my goal is the same as its been on and off for  the last year.... strive for 90% RV and be 100% gluten free! I know If I keep going eventually eating this way will be a normal way of life for me. I must focus on my progress not my "failures"

This will be my focus scripture for the week :)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1
Corinthians 10:31

On the Certification front:
I received my packet of study materials in the mail for Group Fitness Instructor  and Kickboxing Instructor Certification. I hope to study and take the test over the holidays and start 2012 with three certifications!

I have some goals/ideas for next year which I will share close to the end of next week.

Hope your week is very blessed.... and remember as long as you start over you have NOT failed!


The Warrior Suz said…
having had my gall bladder removed last year i find certain foods do not digest well...It really does come down to the choices we make..knowing the consequences of our choices.
I think most people are not even aware of the effects gluten has on their bodies..let alone sugar. it probably has more to do with immediate gratification that the sugar produces.
Unknown said…
I haven't checked in on you for a while. I hope this week you are able to hit your goals.. You are so awesome!!! Keep it up lady.