2run or not 2run (UPDATE!) Wooowhoo!

I have been battling the running blues. Yes... its true.
Is it the change in weather?
The change in our families schedule?
The begining of the holiday season?
The fact last week I had 4 days of SAD diet leaving me feeling bloated and heavy?
The fact I have run the same exact route for 5 years?

I think its a combination of all of those things.

The problem is... when I dont run I feel like crap. My low blood pressure seems worse, and I don't have stress relief.

So what's a girl to do when she doesn't feel the love for running?

Well... I am going to try and spice things up a bit.
  • Change my ipod music listing.. add some new songs
  • find some good movies to put in the instant cue so when I have to run on the treadmill i will have something exciting to watch. 
  • think about looking at different routes/adding more runs in my neighborhood or surrounding areas
I guess i need a challenge too. I had been running so well ! That 37 mile week I had I felt amazing! I told my husband I feel guilting for so many hours running... but he said that was silly.
As a homeschooling mom I feel the need to have so many things DONE before I hit the road... but I need to not let life get in the way.

As far as my run today... I plan on 10 miles today... ...
I will let you know how it goes.

I am just back from a wonderful 6 mile run... hoped to get in 10 before track practice but I "ran out of time" ha... .... .I will track my miles at practice and add them toward my goal of 10 total for today.  
On a bit of a frustrating note.. I stepping in a hole while on mile 6! uuurggh! .... I am fine.... thankgoodness for those ankles stretches I usually do.. AND for my practice of running on uneven grass MOST of my runs ... but it did scare me! 
Last but not least:
the biggest reason to stay gluten free and on my mostly raw vegan diet???? oh man the tummy ache I have after I finished this run. i was fine during the run its just when I stop YIKES... where's the bathroom! 
---focusing on my joy pace :)
