who runs 1.5 hours and enjoys it?

I mean really... who does that? To go run 1.5 hours and actually love it...

Last night I ran my 9 miler. I was determined to RUN the whole thing. I let myself walk 20 steps. 20!. when i was done I was sooo happy I was done but so disappointed cause I gave in mentally and let myself walk those 20 paces. After a while I started thinking about the fact that I just RAN continually for a hour and a half. I wondered how many people could say they just did that. So, I decided to be very happy with what I did.

I am not as sore this morning as I thought I would be. My heal is totally fine and the problems I have been having are from not enough stretching... last night when I finished I stretched like a mad woman. :)
Very happy to have 9 miler done and looking forward to an easy 6 this weekend!


Anonymous said…
congrats on 9 miles done! it is amazing what our bodies can handle, and most people have no idea. good for you for getting out there and pushing it. (and forget about that 20 slow strides. they don't matter!)