I must tell you about my foot first.
bumps where they ain't spose to be ain't no good.
About an hour n half after practice yesterday I noticed a swollen ankle. it was tender but not bad.... I sent coach a text and he said do this:
TWO TIMES a day for FIFTEEN MINS.... ooooooooweeeeeeeee ... he's a mean coach that one. I had to use my hypnotising singing technique just to keep the foot in the bucket. Every fiber of my being was saying "get FOOT OUT!".. but after about 12 mins... everything went numb and it was all good. LOL just in time to pull it out.
So what happened you wonder? Well.. remember how I did dancing jumping high impact aerobics after I ran on the treadmill on Sunday night? ... well... that was with out shoes on. and.. pretty sure that is what did it. Coach says I should be good to go in 2 days.... today the swelling is MUCH less and I actually jogged on it just a tad at practice with the little kids.... Good news is ... its been I think a year and a half with no injury! nothing to ice but my legs after a long long run :) .... woowhoo!
Back to smoothie POWER:
Did you know Smoothies make you stronger? oh yeah the do!!!!
I was so hungry after practice that my dd made me a smoothie to drink while I lifted weights :)see... there it is :)
and Guess what today was? My official 30day bicep challenge! Where'd my bump go? I use to have a bump dad gum it! ... so today's photo is my official day 1 picture. I will take shots every Tuesday for 3 weeks .... i think between the smoothies and the weights and the pushups my bumps might just show back up :)
Wanna join the bicep bump 30 day challenge with me? Well.. lets go! ...
post a photo on your blog as a before shot... lets burn and build those bis over the next 30 days and see who has the best transformation :)
Until next time.. happy bicep building!