The Music of our Lives

Lady Gaga, Eminem, Rehanna, The Black Eyed Peas and more... turn on your local pop/top 40s radio station and this is who you will hear. Visit with any teenager, hip mom or guy on the street and they can tell you the lyrics and how cool those groups/singers are. 

When I grew up I listened to Pop, Rock and Country music... The Go Gos, David Bowie, Michael and Janet Jackson, The Rolling Stones, .. pretty much anything that was on the radio. As a teen of the 80s there wasnt any other option for me really... the Christian radio station consisted of hymns and preaching. Yeah.

Today... as I raise kids I am sooooo very thankful and excited about the new wonderful completely ROCKIN Christian Music options that are out there for us! The hours I spend on the road running I get to run to uplifting amazing Christian music. My kids sing lyrics about how much God loves them, what Jesus has done for them and how we should love each other like Christ. Instead of hearing lyrics about partying, doing drugs, having s.x... not to mention the over use of curse words, the negative lyrics about abusive relationships etc etc etc... 

So... I wanted to share with those of you who might not know... this section of music you might not know of... I will list main stream artists and then list a Christian artists music that is similar in sound as an alternative :) ... 

How bout we start with Emenim... so say you like his music... lets face it.. he IS a talented artists (Now if we could just delete all the curse words and negativity (singing about how he beats his girlfriend and she likes it)... then it would boarder on OK... So.. if you like that style of music.. here are a few options for you:





How bout alternatives for the most popular female singers out there......

Melody Joy

And what about those groups like The  Black Eyed Peas and other rocking mainstreams?? Here you go:
 Group 1 Crew!

Family Force 5

Press Play:
I have a video for NY2LA but you must here LETS GO>. see that below on their myspace site:

I could so keep going and this post would go on forever! I have lists upon lists of Amazing Christian music that is right up there with the musically quality of the mainstream... 
We could talk forever about Toby Mac, Owl City, Pillar, Fee, and Abandon... but there is just not enough time :) I have dishes to do and laundry to clean.... 

Make the switch wont you? You will be happy you did!

As far as the workout and eating updates.. I am still trying to eat gluten free and mostly vegan... somedays are great some aren't...
Running has been going GREAT! ... This morning I got up and was on the road by 5am to get a 4 miler in before 6am track practice.... with Su... :).... I wore her out.. poor puppy!
I have been attacking my abs and obliques!.. 20 and 30 mins of abwork is getting my tummy strong! :)

I have 13.1 miles coming on this friday with a training group and I plan to run my own 13.1 miles on july 4th if all goes as planned :)



JRo said…
Thank you thank you thank you! Will do on the music!

I have been gluten free for 4 months. I ate some three days in a row earlier this month and got SO sick. Pretty much not going to be eating it anymore than you! What a motivator, right? Now it will be 5 months on the third! One more great gift God has given me in my sweet little surprise baby!
xacerb8 said…
Wow, I stumbled onto this post and I have to say I am so happy that I did!
I don't define myself as a Christian and my kids listen to a mix of whatever's on the radio. But I do find myself shaking my head at some of what I hear, and I LOVE the music you've posted here. I am going to get some on itunes and make some mixes to play in the car for the kids. I can't believe how much like "mainstream" it all sounds! Thanks.