Well, I guess you have kinda noticed I am back to blogging a bit. I always come back. This blog has helped focus and encourage me in many many ways. This thing of health isn't always easy. Like being in a foreign country, I live among a society with completely different views for the most part. Being in and among this culture which we call America means I am constantly surrounded by materialism, gluttony, and all those other extremes that seem to be so prevalent in our culture. Because we are free to live as we choose... it seems most of us choose the path to destruction. I lived that life for so very long. Not caring who I really was. Just surviving until the next food high. I lived in denial for 40 years. I denied what I ate mattered... I denied that I had a responsibility to my family to try to do my best to feed them well.... I denied that I was leading by example.
In most peoples eyes it probably seems that I have "made it". I can run 13.1 miles with ease compared to 4 years ago. I can turn down donuts and coke and cake and bread for the most part like its no bodies business. It seems there are so many things I have "conquered". Yet, there is still part of me that switches back to my old self every now and then.
See, I am no different than any other mom out there with 70 or 100lbs to loose. I am no different but for one simple fact. I made a decision to stop lying to myself, to stop believing what I saw around me, to stop letting the world and all it told me control who I was.
I have to realize every day could be the last day of my health and wellness. I choose to start over every day instead of listening to the fried chicken, or french fries, or soft drinks that crowd the world around me and scream at me to eat like everyone else. The companies that make those products are not there for my health and wellbeing. They are there for my $.
So... today I struggled with my eating. It's all part of the journey and all part of choosing who I will be tomorrow. Perfection is not something I am striving for, Progress is key.
I look forward to tomorrow because I know I will start over, like I have for so long. To strive for 90% raw veganism even for a short time, in this world isn't going to be easy. But I remember how I felt those 3 weeks in January. I remember waking up full of energy and ready to take on the day. I remember my skin being like a babies bottom. I remember running and it feeling like it did when I was 8 years old. I had a glimpse into life as it could be for me. I want that back.
Isaiah 40:29
He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.
II Timothy 1:7
For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.
In most peoples eyes it probably seems that I have "made it". I can run 13.1 miles with ease compared to 4 years ago. I can turn down donuts and coke and cake and bread for the most part like its no bodies business. It seems there are so many things I have "conquered". Yet, there is still part of me that switches back to my old self every now and then.
See, I am no different than any other mom out there with 70 or 100lbs to loose. I am no different but for one simple fact. I made a decision to stop lying to myself, to stop believing what I saw around me, to stop letting the world and all it told me control who I was.
I have to realize every day could be the last day of my health and wellness. I choose to start over every day instead of listening to the fried chicken, or french fries, or soft drinks that crowd the world around me and scream at me to eat like everyone else. The companies that make those products are not there for my health and wellbeing. They are there for my $.
So... today I struggled with my eating. It's all part of the journey and all part of choosing who I will be tomorrow. Perfection is not something I am striving for, Progress is key.
I look forward to tomorrow because I know I will start over, like I have for so long. To strive for 90% raw veganism even for a short time, in this world isn't going to be easy. But I remember how I felt those 3 weeks in January. I remember waking up full of energy and ready to take on the day. I remember my skin being like a babies bottom. I remember running and it feeling like it did when I was 8 years old. I had a glimpse into life as it could be for me. I want that back.
Isaiah 40:29
He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.
II Timothy 1:7
For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.