This was just after finishing my 10mile run on TUESDAY!
The run was spose to be on Sunday, then moved to Monday night which after 4 miles a thunderstorm popped up and I had to quit. But Tuesday night... I did it. It has been soooooooo windy here this past week 35mph winds pretty much allll day and night... it let up just a bit Tuesday night but not much and the wind really kicked my tushy. My times were so slow but I just kept pushing and reminding myself this isnt a race and not about time. Its about enjoying it and finishing what I started.

On one of my short stops to get a drink and a bite of Larabar, this scripture really helped me focus and get through :).. the wind was brutal! Had to focus hard to enjoy it.
Afterward I sat in a cool bath, not ice but cold and Su the super dog came and just jumped right in LOL she likes water, she likes to run.
On the food front I am still striving for Raw Vegan-ness :) I am in no way perfect but am focused on progress not perfection :) Two weeks ago I bought my first CASE of bananas at Walmart... 40lbs of bananas 17.00$. This is after I used almost half and was fixing to peal and freeze half of what you see here :) Don't they look wonderful! :) yummy
I use bananas with bits of bruises on them
I use banana now that I USE to throw away!
THIS is the banana above pealed :)... I sit and think about alllll the bananas I have thown out over the years because I thought they were bad. I was so uneducated!
When I say I am trying to eat raw vegan but am not 100% or perfect... this is what I mean.
Below is another example:
I am still cooking many meals for the family and although they have drastically increased there rawness.. they are still eating meat and cooked veggies. I made this chicken and by the end of the cooking I REALLY wanted some.... so.. I made a BIG salad and had chicken on the side. I only ate 1 of the peices of chicken bacause my salad got me too full to eat the other :) ... See,,, not perfectly Raw.. still even at meat... but its close. No guilt, no pressure, no feeling of failure.
This is one morning when the whole family requested smoothies for breakfast. :)
ON the coaching front we had a meet last weekend and two of our highschool girls (twins) came back with two medals each. So fun to watch the team run so well and work so hard!! Very inspiring!
AND after 6 months of not training with the team my DD is back at it! Her growth spurt is finished and her knees are finally happy and she is too because she gets to run hard again! :) woowhooo! She is the on in all black-leggings :)
See.... running makes us happy :) bahaha!
Hope you guys have a beautiful weekend! :D