The emotional and spiritual journey that takes place within me as it relates to food is interesting. What is it about food and eating healthy so difficult? Years of habits... believing "what we eat doesn't matter" and "I deserve a break today" combined with growing up believing the processed foods, and their ingredients really didnt matter, has led to a great amount of confusion as it relates to foods. Not to mention the emotional and psychological side of it all.
What do I deserve? Well, I have learned a few things over the past 3 days.
Like: When I eat whole, nutritious fruits and veggies I "deserve" to feel great, have boundless energy, possitive thoughts and a happy tummy.
And: When I eat Standard American Diet foods I deserve to feel sluggish, tired, bloated, negative thoughts and an unhappy tummy.
I knew my journey to mostly 811 would be a tricky one. It started filled with determination to prove Drs wrong, to get rid of the cyst in January, the worry/hope that that journey took me on was very emotional. The fact that I had a visible issue and I was treating it with nutritious whole foods with the hopes of being cured was motivation to stay on track. Who wouldn't be determined when every bite you took you wondered "will this get rid of my cyst?" February was a month of slow n steady as far as eating healthy went... but I gradually, slowly slipped away from my large amounts of fruits and wonderful salads to the occasional hamburger and potatoes.
Setting a new goal of marathon training and being raw vegan for a month was a great goal but it hasnt gone as I would have liked.
I am not perfect. Perfection is something I have tried to throw out of my life a long time ago. I mess up. I live in a world with images, and media screaming at me to be a certain way, look a certain way and eat a certain way. Meanwhile I am so different. I have always been different. Different is a good thing in my book :) Who needs to fit in when different is so wonderful?
What have I learned? That my body functions sooo much better on 801010 foods. That no matter how I want to deny it I AM Gluten Intolerant and I just don't function well on the SAD way of eating.
I told my husband last night, while experiencing the tummy ache after a supper of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and steamed veggies .... "My body is now reacting to 'regular' foods like it use to react when I ate a donut!" Is this because my body has changed so dramatically? Well, I dont believe so. I think my body has always functioned better on the foods God made instead of the foods man creates. The only difference is that now... now I am in tune with my body and what it needs. I can feel the energy I gain from whole foods and I can feel the drain of energy I get when I eat SAD foods.
It comes down to a choice. Will I choose to feel great or do I choose to feel like crap?
Today I woke up feeling much better! My tummy ache was gone and I waited about 3 hours after waking up to eat breakfast....I felt like my body needed time to recover from yesterdays meals. I am now enjoying a WONDERFUL smoothie and looking forward to a fantastic 801010 day.
I am still reading the Sports Nutrition book and will write a review when i am finished...
I am still working on the rent house, deep cleaning my own home, homeschooling the kids, coaching and trying to fit my runs in. I haven't run since Saturday but hope to go tonight :)
Ok... I am back for an update of sorts :)
I am sitting here eating a wonderful lunch.. romaine, tomato, bellpepper, broccoli, sugar snap peas, a tad of cheese and a few corn chips (a few) :) ... it tastes wonderful!
I am feeling soooo much better already! ... yipppeee!
Here is a link to Dr Graham videos I have been watching... :)
I am sitting here eating a wonderful lunch.. romaine, tomato, bellpepper, broccoli, sugar snap peas, a tad of cheese and a few corn chips (a few) :) ... it tastes wonderful!
I am feeling soooo much better already! ... yipppeee!
Here is a link to Dr Graham videos I have been watching... :)