S. A. D.

It's been a sad week for me. Mostly sad... Sad as in Standard American Diet. Three days this week I have had hamburger, onion rings and a big o Dr Pepper. The first day I had this for lunch I was on such a high that I ran around until 9pm working like a mad woman. Then... I was unable to fall asleep until 130am.

We have been working like crazy to get the rent house finished. Laying floor, painting walls, doors, closets, trims... every square inch of the house... and working 12 hour days thru me back in time. Back to when I worked for my father, who was a part time contractor for a while... Thru me back to when I would paint all day and eat burgers n fries at lunch.... It's so interesting how connected our food choices are linked to memory, and habits... even ones that were manifested 25 years ago. The smell of paint, the working in the heat, back in the groove and all the sudden I was craving that burger.

As a result of this type of eating the past 3 days... I . feel. like. crap. (please scuse me language)

Funny thing is... every morning I woke up CRAVING a smoothie... ... and... I have had one or two smoothies a day... simply because I LOVE THEM!....

I am not upset at myself.. I dont feel like a "failure" or "frustrated" with my food choices. ... that, in in of itself is an interesting change for me. 4 years ago... when I was doing body for life.. I would "fall off the bandwagon" and just beat myself up. ... My journey to Raw Vegan is so different. Sure, some things are emotional.. but mostly the 3 weeks of 90% raw taught me that when I eat that way I just feel GREAT! What I have learned since  is that when i go back to eating SAD I feel sad, sluggish, tummy aches, low energy, horrible sleep and fatigued.

I am ready to be finished with the house remodel.. so Life will get back to normal... until then I am doing the best I can to step back to raw vegan because it just feels so good.

Tonight for supper the family had chinese.... I choose a smoothie..... and OH MY it was FANTASTIC. I didnt feel deprived... there was no "poor little me i can't have chinese"... I was joyful with my choice and loved every bite!!!

I am looking forward to tomorrow.. all the fruits I want and a nice big salad with home made salsa!! :)

I found this youtube site that has testimonials from people about plant based diets :) Here's one with a gal who gained muscle on PBD :)

 I am excited about finishing the house and having more time to study for my certification... I downloaded this for my iphone and its helped me with my anatomy studies :)


ON the running front.. I havent had any runs this week.... man I miss it... I still plan to get a 8 miler in this weekend and stay on track for my half training :)

Now, time to rest... and get geared up for another day of remodeling.

Here's one room before and after......... 


The Warrior Suz said…
What a great video from Jessica. I love it. there is good info out there about gaining muscle with a plant based diet.
It is quite obvious that your mindset is so much different and better now, than it was four years ago. people just don't realize what they are doing to them selves, physically and mentally by eating the SAD way.
Keep spreading the message!
Anonymous said…
love how your mindset has changed from bfl days. i too did bfl for quite a while and that too got me into the all or nothing mentality which i am still battling and glad to say overcoming today. the blogs help me realize i can eat something "bad" and not have to go off the bandwagon. have a great day!