Feeling good despite....

I woke up this morning feeling great despite little sleep. My hubby is away for work and I just dont sleep well when he is gone. How do you gals get rest when the hubs is gone?  I am just not use to it.

The cool thing is that waking up sleepy this morning, instead of craving hot caffeinated tea... I was craving fruit! :) Talk about change. Today is my 4th day back of eating mostly raw and the rash I had on my skin from my 3 days SAD eating is now gone, my tummy is finally back to normal, and eventhough I am sleepy ... I have energy :)

I excited about some things..... wanna hear?

Tomorrow is a homeschool open house for our homeschooling group. My house is on the list to tour :) I am excited to see who comes and just get to visit about homeschooling for 3 hours :) I am also excited to share my message of relax, it will be ok :)

I am excited that my friend who told me about 801010 might be coming my way for a day trip. The thought of get a chance to sit and visit in person.... yay!!!

I am excited and inspired by 3 friends who started The Daniel Fast (one this past monday and the other two ... 2 weeks ago) .... These ladies are AWESOME!! Its so neat to see the energy and positive changes they have been able to make in their lifestyle. One of the three I NEVER saw without a coffee cup in her hand (ok maybe not NEVER but still).... I have not idea how much she drank per day but it was a lot. I am sooo thrilled and inspired by her!!! she hasn't had coffee in 2 weeks!!! She's feeling great! .......its just so cool!

I am excited about some videos I found... I have been trying to watch videos about veganism and healthy living as a way to combat the other "programing" I get marketed to so many times a day. :) BUT last night .. while watching What Not To Wear... a commercial came on for The Baby Bullet... I was shocked to see a ad for making your own organic baby food! Sooo Cool!

Here is one of the videos... catch what the lady says about breast cysts :)

OH the weather! Excited about SPRING!... the fruit trees are starting to bud out !!! so happy about that!!!
.. ... I have a busy weekend coming up.... need to get a 6 miler in  but have to figure out when.

Ok... I am off to clean like a mad woman so I can go with my kids this afternoon to  hear a professor speak about CS Lewis.

