8 done n ready to go! :)

I was so very happy to get my 8 mile run in yesterday. The house remodel has left little time or energy for running. The only running I was able to get in this week happened at track practice with the kidos and it was never over a mile. I wondered if I should go for the 8 miler but I was craving a nice long run and decided it didnt matter if I walked the whole thing... I was going to do 8 miles.

The run was incredible! Although my eats have not been very good this week... I have still managed to get in my fruit smoothies (one in the morning and one in the evening usually)... and I really believe that is the only reason I was able to run so well. One very cool .. yet personal thing... was that I was able to run the whole 8 miles without stopping for a potty break! It was a cool humid day and I was still sweating but it was so nice to not have to stop every 20 mins to go pee. :) ..... I know this is because of the change in my diet. I believe the biggest difference I will see in my running is that I am not dehydrated. I didnt take any water or Gatorade in or with me while running... I felt great and only got a little thirsty right before i finished.

While I ran I thought about a lot of things:

  • About Rescue Her and the thought of young girls and women caught in slavery. 
  • About God and the amazing body he created. As I am learning more about human anatomy I am in awe even more of the amazing machines he created. 
  • I loved how the perfect song came on at the perfect time! 
  • I thought about how WINTER IS OVER!! woowhoo!
  • I wondered what I could do to change the world. 
  • I thought of my friends who completed 6 and 8 miles this weekend ... if they can do it I can ! : )
  • I wondered why running has to be so competitive. I put some more thought into the idea of solitude training and what that could look like. 
After my run I had pineapple and water ... it tasted great! ......the other cool thing.. after my run.... I went and worked 8 hours at the rent house!!! :) .....No more "i ran so far I am tired the rest of the day for me!" :) woowhoo!

things are turning green down here and I am loving it.. I have some pictures to share from yesterday and a few from a week ago!

I am also thrilled that I RAN the whole 8 miles with only stopping 1 time for about 10 secs. I was so happy when I was done! I ran the whole thing! woowhoo!... and of course I afterward i made myself sit in a cold bath :)  I knew I would be sore from not running well during the week... the bath helped but I am still a tad sore.

I went shopping today and am fixing to clean out the fridge to be able to have my salads ready to go for the next few days :) I am really looking forward to being more focused this week on my eats and logging how it effects my energy and workouts.


OH and speaking of perfect song... THIS came on during my last mile......I replayed it over n over until I finished!!!




The Warrior Suz said…
awesome on the run!
I am so loving Beckah Shae! thank you for sharing her music.
looking forward to hearing about your experience with the change in eats and how it affects your workouts and such.