two GREAT runs! woowhoo!

OH MAN! my running is SOOOOO much related to the weather outside! how sad is that. Its been UHHHmazing this week and wow I LOVE IT!

come on Spring! wowhoo!

it was so hot I had armpit sweat! HA!
I did 4 miler on Tuesday night after track practice and then again Thursday night.. tomorrow is spose to be 4 miler long run but I think I will bump it up to a 6 miler... then back down to 4 miler next weekend.

The run on Tuesday night I ran the first mile in 7:30! .. then the last 3 backed down to about 10 min per mile... I felt so good I just wanted to run FAST! :)

I have been so surprised how quickly I have gotten my endurance back.. and I believe it has a LOT to do with how well I have been eating. LOTS of fruit :) Leaving me more hydrated and ready to run! :)
The really really cool thing is I havent been sore. I have been really pushing myself and usually I would be sore.. but not this time around. It MUST been cause of my nutrition!

I have ordered this book from our library.. cant wait to read it :)

  I am off to paint my weekend away.. but will try to post tomorrow after my "long run" :)



The Warrior Suz said…
Absolutely it's the diet!! I believe it!!
Armpit sweat! love it!
Happy Painting!