Yes, I turned into a mad woman.
"MOM, (my daughter says).. YOUR vacuuming at 11pm!" ... (pause).. "ARE YOU OK?"
Do you see my floors? spotless. Vacuumed and Mopped.
Kitchen bleached and beautiful.
Patio table cleaned and furniture rearranged.
Dishes washed.
Laundry going.
Oh yeah, I hear the applause.. the woowhooos for a clean house..
But, dont you wonder what happened to me?
Its a brown syrup called Dr Pepper. .....
You see.. I have been off caffeine for over a month and my sugar is so limited as well that WOWZER
it took me for a ride.
I had been working (cleaning windows) at the rent house for about 4 hours. Hubby n I decided to order hamburgers and onion rings and the thought of that made me want a soda. So .. I thought.. I have been so "good" for so long... It won't hurt to have a little dr pepper.
You see... the thing I have LOVED about 801010 diet is that it has helped get me in tune with my body.
I eat 80101: I feel good. full and good. I have energy.
I eat 80101: I am never thirsty.
I eat 80101: My skin just glows.
So.. it shouldnt have surprised me that when I ate a SAD meal that (standard american diet meal)
I felt so different. Yeah.. the onion rings tasted great. I enjoyed them. The strange thing is what happened after my meal.
I COULDNT GET ENOUGH WATER! I prob drank a half a gallon of water after that meal!
the other thing that happened.
OOOOWEEE.... I WENT INTO SUPER SPEED! I was shaky and just had to get up and get moving.
I CLEANED LIKE A MAD WOMAN. ... at 11 at night! Buzzing around the house like no ones business....
It was the strangest feeling.
I didnt like it.
It really felt like a drug to me.
After I cleaned and everyone else was in bed I decided I should go lay down and try to sleep. HAHAHA.. THAT WAS A JOKE.... I laid there until 1am.
I guess I learned a lesson.
This morning I feel better than I thought I would. I am sitting here with my smoothie and enjoying every bite, sure .. .. I want HIGHS and LOWS out of my life......I want the sugar laden, stimulant laden, processed, foods and drinks to have a very limited place in my life. Foods control us more than we give them credit for. I choose to feel good, have balanced energy levels and eat foods that give my body fuel to run, work and play :)
Will I ever have another soda? Probably.... but it will be a long long time :)
What I have learned is that even though I cannot afford, or find (for that matter) many organic fruits and veggies where I live, that the advantage of 801010 diet still has a great effect on me. Although I have averaged only 75 to 85% raw over the past two weeks, I still reap the benefits.
Yes, I use canned pineapple, frozen strawberries, and tropical fruits that are not organic and prob have pesticides in them but what I am finding that the nurtrients i do get are sooo much more than what I use to get.
Would I love to buy organic? sure. Do I think it tastes better and is better for me ... sure. But until our organic food store comes in, OR our local stores start selling more organic I have to use what I can and not worry about it. I love that I have felt great effects on this lifestyle without being PERFECT. :) Its nice to not have to be perfect. I dont do perfect. ... last night was a perfect example of my imperfection :)
I have never eating this well in all my life. I have never ENJOYED eating this well. I feel no deprevations, no "poor little me's" when i eat 801010.. I just feel GREAT! I crave fruit like crazy.... this week my mouth actually watered at the site of a ripe banana. ME?!!! I dont like bananas (ah.. or I use to not)... Its hard to explain the amazing feelings, the energy, .... but I am a believer in this way of eating....Will hamburgers and onion rings been in my future? sure..... I can't say that I will NEVER have a food. I can say I will try eat in a way that makes me feel and look good. SAD foods will be like fruits n veggies use to be to me... only a small fraction of my diet. (GOOD GRIEF.. I cannot believe the flip flop i have done with my eats. ..... I have become one of those strange, hippy, free spirit weirdos that eats RAW.. wow) (ha) It's taken me YEARS to get to this point. The process of changing our diets is difficult, but not impossible. We just have to have the right reasons.
I hope your having a fantastic morning.... I am off to put some more paint on the walls and ceiling and enjoy the nice clean windows of the rent house while I do it :)
"MOM, (my daughter says).. YOUR vacuuming at 11pm!" ... (pause).. "ARE YOU OK?"
Do you see my floors? spotless. Vacuumed and Mopped.
Kitchen bleached and beautiful.
Patio table cleaned and furniture rearranged.
Dishes washed.
Laundry going.
Oh yeah, I hear the applause.. the woowhooos for a clean house..
But, dont you wonder what happened to me?
Its a brown syrup called Dr Pepper. .....
You see.. I have been off caffeine for over a month and my sugar is so limited as well that WOWZER
it took me for a ride.
![]() |
this is me without dr pepper. Image what I am like with it! |
You see... the thing I have LOVED about 801010 diet is that it has helped get me in tune with my body.
I eat 80101: I feel good. full and good. I have energy.
I eat 80101: I am never thirsty.
I eat 80101: My skin just glows.
So.. it shouldnt have surprised me that when I ate a SAD meal that (standard american diet meal)
I felt so different. Yeah.. the onion rings tasted great. I enjoyed them. The strange thing is what happened after my meal.
I COULDNT GET ENOUGH WATER! I prob drank a half a gallon of water after that meal!
the other thing that happened.
OOOOWEEE.... I WENT INTO SUPER SPEED! I was shaky and just had to get up and get moving.
I CLEANED LIKE A MAD WOMAN. ... at 11 at night! Buzzing around the house like no ones business....
It was the strangest feeling.
I didnt like it.
It really felt like a drug to me.
After I cleaned and everyone else was in bed I decided I should go lay down and try to sleep. HAHAHA.. THAT WAS A JOKE.... I laid there until 1am.
I guess I learned a lesson.
This morning I feel better than I thought I would. I am sitting here with my smoothie and enjoying every bite, sure .. .. I want HIGHS and LOWS out of my life......I want the sugar laden, stimulant laden, processed, foods and drinks to have a very limited place in my life. Foods control us more than we give them credit for. I choose to feel good, have balanced energy levels and eat foods that give my body fuel to run, work and play :)
Will I ever have another soda? Probably.... but it will be a long long time :)
What I have learned is that even though I cannot afford, or find (for that matter) many organic fruits and veggies where I live, that the advantage of 801010 diet still has a great effect on me. Although I have averaged only 75 to 85% raw over the past two weeks, I still reap the benefits.
Yes, I use canned pineapple, frozen strawberries, and tropical fruits that are not organic and prob have pesticides in them but what I am finding that the nurtrients i do get are sooo much more than what I use to get.
Would I love to buy organic? sure. Do I think it tastes better and is better for me ... sure. But until our organic food store comes in, OR our local stores start selling more organic I have to use what I can and not worry about it. I love that I have felt great effects on this lifestyle without being PERFECT. :) Its nice to not have to be perfect. I dont do perfect. ... last night was a perfect example of my imperfection :)
I have never eating this well in all my life. I have never ENJOYED eating this well. I feel no deprevations, no "poor little me's" when i eat 801010.. I just feel GREAT! I crave fruit like crazy.... this week my mouth actually watered at the site of a ripe banana. ME?!!! I dont like bananas (ah.. or I use to not)... Its hard to explain the amazing feelings, the energy, .... but I am a believer in this way of eating....Will hamburgers and onion rings been in my future? sure..... I can't say that I will NEVER have a food. I can say I will try eat in a way that makes me feel and look good. SAD foods will be like fruits n veggies use to be to me... only a small fraction of my diet. (GOOD GRIEF.. I cannot believe the flip flop i have done with my eats. ..... I have become one of those strange, hippy, free spirit weirdos that eats RAW.. wow) (ha) It's taken me YEARS to get to this point. The process of changing our diets is difficult, but not impossible. We just have to have the right reasons.
I hope your having a fantastic morning.... I am off to put some more paint on the walls and ceiling and enjoy the nice clean windows of the rent house while I do it :)
this says it all for me!
"The process of changing our diets is difficult, but not impossible. We just have to have the right reasons."