Through out my journey here I have tried to be open, honest and straightforward. When I stumbled I always came back here and explained, shared what happened and decided to start over. This isn't about waking up one day and being a size 4. This journey isnt about running 13.1 or 26.2 and all the sudden you are healthy forever. This is a continuing journey that will NEVER END, I will be 90 years old and still trying to be healthy in a world that screams at you that it really doesn't matter what you eat.
Its like realizing once you have your first baby that you will NEVER go anywhere alone again. (well, unless you get a sitter). I remember strapping my now 14 year old in her carseat when she was 6 weeks old and relizing that my life would NEVER be the same. No matter what I wanted to do. ... the reality was that I had to sacrifice my time and energy to make sure she was taken care of.
What I have realized is that if you have unhealthy habits, changing them to healthy ones can be done... but just because I am healthy for one day or one week or one year.... doesnt mean I have reached a point in life that its DONE. Sure it gets easier.. but reality is that if I go for a month eating like I use too (burgers, fries, cokes, cakes, donuts, chips, crackers, etc).. that my health with deteriorate and I will again become UNhealthy.
This is the challenge. To be OK with it being a lifetime thing. To be ok with the struggle lasting longer than a program or training for a half marathon... To be ok that health and fitness isnt ever DONE.
I had decided to try my hand at the raw vegan 801010 diet after my issue with the cyst. What a surprise it was at the results I had! I became a believer for sure! I decided I wanted to train for this half as a mostly raw vegan. Then a few days ago I hadn't been as great with the diet as I wanted. I had been great on getting atleast one fruit smoothie a day in but the lunch and dinners and snacks havent been as on target as I would like. One think I noticed when I was eating 801010 was my gums didnt bleed when I brushed them. Sure enough, 3 days eating too many chips with my tuna and too many meats instead of whole foods.. my gums started bleeding again. I also noticed my energy levels were low after I ate "normal" foods. I also felt bloated and sluggish. I think I have done 801010 for long enough to be more in tune with my body and how it feels than I ever have!
As far as my running this past week... if I was hungry right before I left I would eat a bit of pineapple. I had also been 801010 those mornings before. I couldnt believe how great my runs felt! I had so much energy. !!!
All this to say.... I have firmly decided to conduct an experiment on myself :) I am dedicating the next month to only 801010 ... striving for 90% raw vegan again (like I did with my cyst issue) . This time its to measure the difference in my running ability, strength and daily energy level. I know I will not be perfect. This isn't about perfection its about challenging myself and learning what is best for my body.
I have finally gotten Nutrition and Athletic Performance by Dr Graham. I began reading it this afternoon and will hopefully be able to finish in just a few days. I will post over the next month what I experience. On my runs I will note time, and energy level, as well as endurance. ... One thing I am interested to see if hydration will be less of a factor for me... :) I am sure there will be some surprises along the way.
Wonder what they will be? :)
My Goal: Mostly Raw Vegan for my Running's Sake
My Plan: Try to follow Dr Grahams book as closely as I can
End Date: March 23rd 2011