dont u just hate it when.......

Dont u hate it when::
you go out for a great run, the first run of the "winter" ....the first run in your running tights from last year... only to find that
1. the tights are too big and bunch up
2. the spandex shorts underneath the tights were not the ones to wear today... or ever again.

That leads to what I wanted to be a 6 mile run turning into a 2.5 mile run .. and went home frustrated for situps.. yikes!

is there any other sport where clothes are soooooo important??? hum.

I am looking into getting new running pants for the winter... bah.....humbug.....winter.
(no... no no no.. possitive attitudes now)...
Winter: the time when running in the snow is amazing and you get to wear cute little hats.....
oh.. yippeeee.. winter.

Dont you just hate it when......
you start getting lean because of your new gluten free diet only to discover your baby belly skin gets looser and looser .....why isnt there non-surgical tummy tucks???? 
(please note photo is not my belly) :)

Dont you just hate it when......
The Blue Diamond almond company decides to change the type of salt that is on your favorite almonds? I mean.. these almonds are my addiction now.. how dare they change the recipe :( so sad.

On the other hand.....

Dont you love it when::
You finally get up at 6 to go for an early morning run?? Getting to enjoy the peace and quiet before the world wakes up!!!

Don't you love it when::::
Your size 6 jeans are so loose (again) that if you wear them without a belt its pants on the ground?

Don't you love it when::::
You go out in public and someone knows of you but has never met you  and askes "hey.. arent you a runner?"  "i am thinking of walking a marathon.. I need to call u sometime".
(wow.. I have turned into the "gal that runs" and helps people do marathons.... how cool is that?

I plan on upper body weight lifting before we leave for track practice this afternoon :) will update after i am done.
