There. I said it. Sugar sucks. Oops.. I said it again. So, wanna get upset with me? Go ahead.
I am officially 3 sugar free (again) [with the exception of 5 m&ms and one mentos). The durn hypoglycemia I have to deal with got my head screwed up to think thank a tad of table sugar would be ok. So, over the past 2 weeks I have dabbled in the white stuff. Just a few teaspoons a day, nothing like the pounds and pounds a week i use to eat :) When I would start to feel low I would make a tortillia with butter put a bit of sugar and cinn on it and feel oh so much better about 10 secs after it hit my mouth.
I relate my "need for the white stuff" almost like cleaning up a mess a 2 year old made instead of preventing it from happening. Here is what I mean. My LOWS in blood sugar shouldnt happen. If I am eating correctly and healthy then a low shouldnt take place. So.. instead of be annal (as I call it) about my food (carb vs protien vs fat vs salt) intake .. I was just eating and in essence waiting for the low feeling before eating. I am learning I gotta "head if off at the pass".
A few days ago I read this: (from Hypoglycemia the classic health care handbook by Jeraldine Saunders and Dr Harvey M Ross) Which spurred me on back to no sugar lifestyle. :)
"The refined sugars and refined carbohydrates act like "anti-vitamins". Sugar consists of 100% naked calories without vitamins. To digest refined sugar the body must steal vitamins and minerals from previously ingested foods, thus depleting the vitamin and mineral content of the body. So refined sugar is actually a "minus" food. Sugar is not only full of empty calories but it is harmful to your health as well. In the heating and recrystallization of the natural sugar cane, something is altered that causes the refined product to become a dangerous food stuff.
The difference between eating natural unrefined carbohydrates and refined sugar can be the difference between life and death, for the refined sugar can be lethal when ingested by human beings.
When there are natural starches and sugars in food there are also proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which together slow the assimilation of the release of sugar to the blood and other parts of the body. NO harm results. This is natural. BUT refined sugar drains and leaches the entire body of precious vitamins, minerals, and enzymes by putting a heavy demand on the body to digest, detoxify and eliminate it.
White sugar is food-less food. By that, I mean that it is devoid of vitamins, mineral and enzymes, all factors essential for digestion, assimilation and utilization of food. White sugar is 99.96% sucrose and should be considered a thief, not a food.
Analysis of molasses, the by-product of sugar refining, reveals that it contains six B vitamins and eight minerals no longer connected with the sugar. So it is these elements in particular that your system must somehow provide to metabolize sugar."What is interesting is eventhough it was just a few teaspoon fulls a day, eventhough itw as jsut for a few weeks... Having come off of it for the last three days i have had withdrawals and cravings. So I have learned... its not not about how much white stuff I take in... in the back of my head I have always thought its ok to have just a little.... but as with an alcoholic or drug addict... just a little is enough to chuck a dunk back in addiction mode.
so, 3 days mostly sugar free... and starting to feel much better.
Now the goal is to make it 6 days.
And can I just add a bit of a rant? I have done searches for sugar label.. sugar nutritional content and have come up empty handed. I also did a search for sugar cane (raw) to get the nutritional content for it before its processed and came up empty. Isn't that interesting? I am sure its out there some where in cyberspace but should it be soooo hard to find? Its like someone doesn't want us talking about this subject or something.
(On the workout front... I got up at hit the trail at 615am ... did 4.5 miles .......IT WAS AWESOME OUT! temps was low 50s..... i ran with my jacket on for the first 3 mile. The stars were out, there was no wind... I wished I had left a few min earlier so I could have done 6. but... taught coop today and had to get home and get things ready to go.
A 2.5 miler planned for tomorrow morning followed by weight lifting and ab work. :)
Maybe if you drink some molasses when you eat some white sugar??