running is soo mental.. that is why i love it.
didnt want to run today
wanted to be a bum
but I was a bum yesterday and didnt run
so... I did a quick 4 miler... more like a 2 miler repeat. since I stopped and stretched for 10 mins in between laps. :) It was humid but in the 70s .. when i was done i was drenched with sweat.. so much so i could feel the salt on my skin and it was all pooring down into my eyes! very cleansing!
First lap was fast. I was bookin it... i felt great! dreaming I could run that fast forever.
Second lap.. i was fast... but not cause I felt fast.. but because I was pushing myself. You see.. my second lap I ran a bit and then started walking for about 10 steps and stretched my shoulders. As I was doing that 2 college guys, one i kinda know thru my hubby, jogged past. I was like... HEY. Mr College boys. Not so fast. So.. I just picked it and and ran my fast past i had run on the first lap. I pasted those boys and kept going.. thinking for a whole 2 miles they were right behind me.
When I finished.. i looked behind me and NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
It left me thinking.... if those guys wouldn't have gone running this morning... I would have just settled for a nice easy 3 and 4 mile .. but because they were there (or I thought they were) I had a mental advantage to push through my negativity of wanting to quit and go slow. It was like they were back there (mentally) with a megaphone saying "yeah, we know your not going to last that long.. we will pass u up soon enough"
so.. the moral of the story is.
running is mental.
when you think you are tired.
thats just it.. its what you THINK
Our bodies can do sooo much more than our minds allow us!
Free my mind, free my body. simple and as difficult as that!
I am off to the zoo with my kids. :)